Saturday, January 31, 2009


PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 12:26 am Post subject: 2nd Amendment

See, the thing is, we were a bunch of squabbling hateful-religious isolated communities, loosely 'contained' within 'colonies.'

There was no free-association/free-travel/free-love-interests, all being 'infringed.'

There was no free-expression/speech, all being 'infringed.'

There was no free-private-property-rights, all being 'infringed.'

There was no freedom-to-equality, all being 'infringed.'

Our FoundingFathers thought long and hard how to declare independence from the tax-men in 'red-coats' that 'infringed' upon the colonies to form their own government that would serve and protect all people equally, guaranteeing freedom/liberty, defending against all those infringements.

-- so that all those hateful-religious groups REPRESSING and OPPRESSING freedom could be defended against on behalf of all people, equally.

You know about the revolution, and the formation of these United States, and the eventual passage of the current Constitution we follow, which came a couple decades LATER, and it's still not honored.

That Constitution offered 'representation' to all those hateful-religious-OPPRESSORS, to pass laws to INFRINGE all the FREEDOMS they HATED to begin with.

That's the 'weak-spot' of ALL governments, the Legislative Branches, for that EXACT REASON.


But following that same Constitution, our wise FoundingFathers obligated Densive Services to CAST-OFF THOSE CHAINS OF TYRANNY ...

-- so the hateful-religious-oppressors chant goose-step in lock-step, "why are you opressing us!" in the attempt to redefine and obfuscate the REAL definition of "religious repression," which is themselves, being hateful religionists hiding behind and ABUSING their 'religious-freedom' to ABUSE the free-speech, free-associations, free-press, free-private-property-rights of EVERYBODY ELSE.

THAT IS "chains of tyranny."

See, the first thing a hateful religious group does when they firstly infiltrate and infect to PENETRATE a VIRGIN community, is take up 'issues' with words:

-- "We HATE that word -- we are victimized by that word -- so wounded when we hear/read/see that word -- it must be censored -- it's about the children! Boo-hoo! -- and ban any product that uses that word, close-down any business or industry that displays that word -- censor any advertisement, poster, book, magazine, (broadcast, tv, radio, internet, etc). that uses that word, SEIZE THE ASSETS of those using that word, and FINE all people using it, and build prisons/dungeons to cast-out all those whom use that 'offensive/negative' word that causes wounds ..."

But words don't cause wounds. It's IMAGINED -- it's ALL IN THEIR HEADS, just excuses to HATE FREE-EXPRESSION/FREE-SPEECH, and usurp CONTROL over LIBERTY/FREEDOM.

See, they have the FREEDOM to turn their f***ing heads, for example. Instead of whining, "Our eyes! Our ears! We're so wounded! Oh the pain! The suffering! The agony! Crucify! Ruthlessly hammer those 'negatives' against our positive-cross-signs!" then claim how 'oppressed/repressed THEY ARE when you mention the hypocrisy of it all, seeing as it's blatant anti-christ messaging to be 'positive' DIVIDING by 'negatives,' which is concocting excuses to place conditions against one's own so-called 'love' for one's own so-called 'beloved-equal-fellow-citizen-neighbor' to selfishly DENY EQUALITY, the same 'euqality' hypocritically demanded for their own selfish-selves, therefore using the points of their own hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS as they crucify 'negatives' against their merciless positive-cross-signs, ideologically speaking, obviously, which IS what REAL Christianity is all about: how NOT to be that way -- at least STRIVE not to be.

And that's what our government was formed about -- to remind people what a TRUE Christian nation is -- not a FAKE one -- with a MOLESTED version of 'christianity' claiming "be positive' as a 'good-thing' when it's blatant anti-christ messaging doing it, because doing so, claiming being 'positive' is 'good,' is the formula to BRAINWASH the masses how to DIVIDE hating 'negatives' into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING 'tribes,' teams, families, communities, states, countries, worlds in PeaceOnEarth/HeavenOnEarth as commanded, or at least 'desired.'

THEN, it's another WORD -- then another -- then another -- then a piece-of-cloth -- (clothes, worn or not worn) -- then shoes -- (worn or not worn) -- then hair (type/style/size/shape/color/etc) -- then free-associations (friends, relatives, assumption of guilt-by-association regardless) -- then transportation ('jesus' rode ASSes for a ReasOn), money, living-arrangements, lifestyles, crotch (what's in it or what's done with it -- only hateful-religious PERVERTS brainwash the masses to sniff PRIVATES like DOGS) -- then even love itself (free-associations is inclusive of 'love' itself for that EXACT reason).


So, then, after infiltrating and infecting to PENETRATE that VIRGIN community, impregnating it with HATE disguised as 'peace/love/tranquility/concern' when it's NONE OF THAT --

AFTER THAT -- they infiltrate and infect the 'weak-spot' of all democracies -- the Legislative Branch -- starting with school 'advisory-boards,' then 'chambers of commerce' for city business, then 'city-councils,' hiring their own 'law-enforcement' to WAGE WAR and SEIZE THE ASSETS OF and PUNISH all the 'negatives' they CRUCIFY in their CRUSADE ...

THEN, onto the State Legislative Branch, doing the SAME THING, always RAISING TAXES to pay for MORE StormTroopers to SEIZE ASSETS and PUNISH all the 'negatives' they CRUCIFY in their CRUSADE as 'positives' HATING and DIVIDING by 'negatives' -- in blatant anti-christ messaging, which is why it's ANTI-CONSTITUTIONAL, EXACTLY, because it DIVIDES UNIONS, instead of UNITES IT -- and that's why those hateful-religious groups have ALWAYS DONE IT ...

-- SINCE BEFORE 1776 ...


It concocts the world's largest DEBTS, as they outlaw economy, one product, one business, one industry at a time, and punishing all the families that used to thrive from those products/business/industries, building more and more prisons, hiring more and more cops/police/STORMTROOPERS to SEIZE ASSETS, the wealth of the people, RAISING TAXES to pay for all the prosecutions and incarcerations, and a 'credentialing-system' designed around it -- 'not-accrediting' any OTHER 'credentialing-versions' as they usurp control over all aspects of pursuits of life, liberty and happiness ...

-- more and more of WeThePeople cast-out into DUNGEONS, and more and more payed at tax-payer expense to 'counsel,' to 'prosecute,' to 'mitigate,' to 'administer,' to 'guard,' to 'talk,' to 'propose,' to 'devise,' to 'revise,' a system of WarringAgainstThePeople/Freedom/Liberty ... casting-out one and all, by ones and twos, UNTIL THERE ARE NONE ... then they start against each other ... HOLOCAUST, by 'plan' -- by 'design' -- HATE -- which is, again, why it's anti-constitutional and blatant anti-christ messaging.


-- (and if you read all that, and understood it, had an 'epiphany' from it, then I saved you, for real -- and it doesn't matter what 'version' or 'flavor' your religion is or isn't, or even if you are religious at all).

So, I wrote that because the soundbite, which is memorized to goose-step in lock-step with the 'credentialing-system' designed by those that hated freedom from the get-go -- the soundbite, "votes mightier than swords" and "legislators represent 'my interests very well'" and "new blood in the Legislatures" and all that ... well, it all 'sounds-reasonable' but those chains of tyranny must still be cast-off, and the purpose of founding this Union, these United States, the guarantees and promises of our Founding Fathers is of HIGHER PRIORITY than any 'vote' either for or against some concocted stupid PRIVATE PROPERTY OWNERSHIP FREE-ASSOCIATION ISSUES.

And that's the bottom-line right there, EXACTLY.

Kind Regards,


Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 11:48 pm Post subject: 2nd Amendment

I think the pen-ultimate sentence of the Op (by forum-user named, "lilwolf,") reads:

" Rep. Edwin Arthur Hall explained: "Before the advent of Hitler or Stalin, who took power from the German and Russian people, measures were thrust upon the free legislatures of those countries to deprive the people of the possession and use of firearms, so that they could not resist the encroachments of such diabolical and vitriolic state police organizations as the Gestapo, the Ogpu, the Cheka, and the Democrats."


Note: (I added "and the Democrats" to make a point)

Here's another:

Forum-user named, "lilwolf" wrote:
Your rights will have an expiration date, and if you screw up and miss it, you'll be in the same mess as people who can't pass the test.


Their 'logic' is 'drivers-licensed-based,' and 'professional-licensed-based.' They think that since you have to 'renew' your 'license,' therefore PAY MORE FEES to the FAKE 'majesties' in the hateful Legislative Branches and their StormTrooping 'credentialing-systems' adMINISTERS that HATE FREEDOM, then you have 'forfeited citizenship.' Rolling Eyes

NEXT UP: "Mandatory Gun Insurance." (Rolling Eyes emoticon that won't display on this system)



Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 11:54 pm Post subject: 2nd Amendment

Forum-user named, "the prophet" wrote:
It is a misconception that the (Government is out to get us) . W e put them all there and they are only there for limited time. It is the political action groups that are mobilized against us that are out to get us so to speak. Funny how many people throw stones at the Government when its the lobbies that they should be concerned with. My Congressman is a good man and represents our interests very well. I know his voting record inside and out. He has never gone against his district. As far as guns goes he has the highest N.R.A. rating that they give. People need to remember that they can remove thier rep every two years by voting them out. It is this feature that can keep our house of reps filled with fresh blood. If you do not know yours then its time to do some research. If your rep is antin gun then its time to get politically active and get him out and put in a new one. The vote is mightier then the sword. Wink


That's why we had a Civil War, right? (Rolling Eyes emoticon goes here but won't display on this system)




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