Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Abortion, Vatican, Government, I'm On it ...

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 12:16 am Post subject: Vatican Outrage—The Pro-Choice Signing

I love your questions -- your choice of topics to discuss -- forum-user named, "Wanderer," whomever/whatever/wherever you are/is/whatever.

That's why I respond to your posts, and I try to offer substantive opinion, not regurgitate some plagiarized soundbite 'AS-SEEN-ON-TV' which has become the 'standard' in our highly-troubled country. Is there any wonder why we're broke, have the world's greatest debts, the slowest progress, the most paperwork/complications/red-tape? I think not. The entire PRIVATE CLUB MEMBERSHIP of our 'credentialing-system' has PROVED to be MISERABLE FAILURES.

With that in mind, I'd like to address THIS portion of your query:

"TheWanderer" wrote:

One Archbishop said: “the repeal of the abortion-funding ban was done
with "the arrogance of those who, having power, think they can decide
between life and death."

Concentrate On Theology

Instead of becoming intermingled with politics, the Vatican should be
concerned with theology.


That IS 'theology.' If all life is 'equal,' then it is arrogant to determine who is 'more equal' than another.

Now, we are all authorized to defend ourselves, but faking 'victimhood' with fake 'pain' and fake 'suffering' and fake 'wounds' and fake 'spilling-of-blood' from words, is also all about theology, TRUE religion teaches NOT to do that, whereas molested-religion is the abuse of religious-freedom to fake 'wounds' from WORDS (after worshiping WORDS as FalseGods to FAKE 'suffering') and thereby inciting others, non-religious or otherwise, to spill real-blood for real.

And that is a theological discussion.

So, is the hatefulness of HatefulReligious_'eye-for-an-eye'_VINDICTIVENESS/VENGE-
ANCE, and that is why the Vatican does NOT ENDORSE CAPITOL PUNISHMENT. Because it PROVES ZERO FORGIVENESS, zero compassion, therefore zero justice, which proves zero equality, all of which we all demand for our own selves, be you religious or not (I am not, and not Catholic by any stretch of imagination -- but am more Catholic than most 'catholics' I know).

-- which is why I always say I am a 'government-man' NOT a 'church-man', btw. "Of the people, by the people," so my 'Industry' online is DEFENDING GOVERNMENT over the hatefulness of CHURCH.

-- and I do it better than anybody in existence.

That does not mean I am 'anti-catholic' by any stretch of imagination, either. Which is why I say I am more Catholic than most 'catholics' -- because I have vociferously DEFENDED THE VATICAN on a number of occassions -- I want to make that very clear. (and we have things to accomplish, together -- so I do not promote 'choosing-sides' -- we're all in it together and must fix it together).

Which brings up 'defending the weak, the destitute, the infirm, the elderly, the ill, those with significant disabilities as well as those with significant abilities ...

-- the 'socially challenged,' in so many ways, in other words, because they can't function it it, this world as most know it, as most experience it.

That is the 'where' of the Vatican's position about abortion. Because it's not a REAL 'breathing, suffering, life-experiencing' person -- it's a lump of cells which might develop into one.

Here, in the U.S., the radical anti-choice/(anti)woman's-freedom-of-choices crowd, wants to literally 'equate' non-breathing THINGS to real-breathing people. They have so much influence, that even I have used the brainwashed term, 'unborn-child,' (although I try not to), because it isn't. It's not a 'child' until AFTER it's a BABY and has taken it's FirstBreath.

Not before -- AFTER.

If you have a tumor, and poke it, it bleeds. Did you know that? Does that give it the 'same rights as a real breathing person'?

Of course not. It's YOUR PRIVATE MEDICAL CONDITION, to either 'nurture' into something else, or remove as you freely-choose.


Growing-masses of cells inside another person's PRIVATES is no excuse for INVADING THOSE PRIVATES. Only PERVERTS concoct excuses to do it -- to sniff it like DOGS in the HOPE to sniff-out supin' to chant, "Ahhh-huh! SEE! YOU are WORSE than me!" in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR/positive/more-worthy/more-equal -- and there is no such thing as either a 'more-equal' person, or a 'positive-giraffe' or 'positive-person.'

In medicine, 'positive' is a SYMPTOM of ILLNESS, and the TimelessMessage of every scripture ever written, is the social paradigm that people go 'positive' and CRUSADE against 'negatives' as an excuse to deny equality (place conditions against their own so-called 'love' for their own so-called 'equal-fellow-citizen-beloved-neighbor'), thereby DIVIDING communities/teams/families/countries/worlds into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING 'tribes,' families, teams, communities, countries, worlds in PeaceOnEarth/HeavenOnEarth AS COMMANDED. So doing that, therefore, going 'positive' as either an individual or a community or a world, is anti-christ messaging, which the Vatican has PROMISED to DEFEND ALL PEOPLE EQUALLY AGAINST -


And you, and even 'you' over there ...

... 'you' too ... whomever 'you' may be ...

doesn't matter the TIME nor the LOCATION nor the LANGUAGE ... even 'you' all the way over 'there' wherever 'there' may be ...

And the real pain and misery and suffering of real breathing people, not 'potentially-breathing,' but REAL BREATHING PEOPLE is of far higher-priority than the wishful-thinking of 'potentialities/extrapolations' which become knit-picked DETAILS as DIVERSIONS from the TimelessMessage itself.

If 'priorities,' therefore RESOURCES, are diverted to 'potentials,' (there was once a time for that, because 'potential-people' was once the ONLY HOPE of THIS ENTIRE SPECIES) -- but we're BEYOND that now --

-- so, if 'priorites' therefore resources are diverted to 'potential-wished-for-breathing/suffering-people,' then the REAL MISERY of the REAL BREATHING PEOPLE is degraded, devalued, ignored, therefore real people are DENIGRATED!

So I think the Vatican's wording is being taken out-of-context, even with those within the 'higher-positions' that have strong feelings therefore 'wishes' those words mean something ELSE ---

-- so emotionalisms, which are learned-behaviors in this context, are knee-jerking policy-level decision-making, which serves NOONE -- is only self-serving -- because we are broke ...

-- the church can't afford to raise and educate that 'potential-person' -- and didn't give contraceptives to the absolutely normal woman that got pregnant doing the absolutely normal thing that causes pregnancies -- only RIDICULED AND SCORNED HER NATURAL SELF, therefore DENIGRATING HER.

-- the government has been bankrupted by hateful-religionists concocting 'higher-priorities' on FAKE 'people' and faking 'wounds' from WORDS, so can't afford to raise and educate that child the RELIGIONISTS FAKED 'loving' --

-- it's NOT 'chicken-before-egg' THIS TIME!


THEY DID THIS -- concocted this situation -- THEMSELVES.

The Vatican needs set a REAL 'shining-example' and get out of the CrotchWorship business PRONTO, thereby STOP DENIGRATING PEOPLE in so many subtle-ways.

This Pope can do it -- "MiracleOfUnity" has been commanded.

Kind Regards,

OnEdit: added public-access internet website topic-discussion-forum address which I inadvertently forgot to include when I c/p'd MY WORDS from where I typed my thoughts, to my blog here. Click this blog-post's title to see original context/location.

On2ndEdit: cleaned-up c/p'd button-name text at top of this blog-post.

On3rdEdit: noticed a misworded-sentence, so added a few words in parens "(_)" ABOVE for clarity.




Maybe I should word that: OnClOning ... ;)

Same situation as above. Because two-cells in a flippin' test-tube is NOT of 'higher-priority' than real, breathing people, so I will NOT DENIGRATE THEM using out-of-context religious mumbo-jumbo superstitionalized to do it, therefore be hateful of real breathing people in need of human-cloned parts/pieces/treatments.

Even age is a disease, curable through life-saving gene-therapeutic human-cloning.

Now, if there was some hateful tyrannt and you lived under she/he/it, generation after generation, century after century, for eons, that idly did nothing as your loved ones experienced misery, grief, pain and suffering, accidents, ...

-- that just did nothing, perhaps sent plagues and terrorizing storms to mass-murder and make people homeless and take everything they love from them ...

-- for it's own psychotic sadistic enjoyment;

-- 'watching-over-me' and everybody else as they murder and fornicate with each other for it's own erotic pleasures ...

-- and if we were all 'made-in-that-image,' then I'd DEMAND 'no-cloning' --



We have your sons and daughters defending what is right, going off to war, to serve and protect all people equally from hateful religionists demanding all people only use 'their words' and censoring all whom don't, wear 'their types of pieces of cloth' and prohibiting all businesses and products and people from free-association whom don't ---


Because it sure feels/looks like that 'quacking-duck' and I'm sick and tired of it.

Meanwhile, those heroes defending FREEDOM come back with no arms or legs or missing eyes, and it's gene-therapeutic human-cloning from two-cells in a flippin' test-tube that will allow the BLIND TO SEE AGAIN and the LAME TO WALK ONCE MORE.




On3rdEdit: adding:

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 12:53 am Post subject: Vatican, Cloning, Stem-cells, Abortion, etc.
-- We've got boys out there,
-- hoping not to die;
-- Defending what is right,
-- they go to SAVE OUR LIVES ...

TIME's THE ENEMY ... it's ticking evermore ...
TIME's THE ENEMY ... it's knocking at your door,
ticking evermore, knocking at your door ...

We don't have time for silly superstitions anymore, any superstitionized crap at all, and my church has been molested, turned into a superstitionalized-cesspool of money-changing pomp and ceremony, be it a temple, a cathedral, a mosque, a synogogue, a hall, a chapel, an ashram, whatever ... BE HEALED OF IT.

>>>PS>>> those two verses up there, are from two SONGS I wrote as a teenager, perhaps 19 or 20 in that age-range. Which reminds me of attending a lecture-HALL and offering prayer to our troops, serving in Lebanon, just before they were bombed into oblivion by a truck-bomb at the Marine compound -- by HatefulReligiousSupremacists. See, there were several hundred in the lecture hall, who snickered, ridiculed and scorned me for my prayer-of-yearning for the safety of our troops, those Marines, their Mission, defending FREEDOM FROM HatefulReligiousSupremacy -- which inspired me to write those songs ... if you get my 'drift' ...


On4thEdit: adding: Meanwhile, the same 'credentialing-system' where I was at in that lecture hall, has endorsed 'one-of-their-own' to be President, Mitt Romney. I find it highly disturbing.


On5thEdit: adding: Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 1:15 am

Interestingly, the EXACT same number of students attended that lecture hall as Marines murdered in Lebanon.

Course? "Old Testament."

Go figure.

(note: I c/p'd that last portion which I typed at the internet website listed above, then added here, although other portions of this duscussion, I typed-my-thoughts quickly here to answer the question, then c/p'd to that public-access internet website topic-discussion-forum where the actual discussion is taking place.)

On6thEdit: (continuing note: the reason, once again, I'm blogging my forum-responses to my personal blog, is because they deleted thousands of my posts over there for some reason, some weird 'punishment' type thing, vindictiveness-issues or whatever -- I dunno -- I just consider it to be hateful. Maybe that website is on a server at the 'credentialing-system' of the lecture-hall I mentioned above that 'credentialed' and endorses Romney?)


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