Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Thoughts ...

I watched some of it, and am watching the 'live' broadcast of the incredibly-long party.

I was really impressed with the MARCHING BAND from Arizona, who had really great uniforms, and sharp marching style. The uniforms were some of the best I've seen recently, and whomever designed the jackets deserves an AWARD of some kind. There was/is in my opinion, too much 'flapping-fabric' in the pants, however. That band is all about corp-style precision and snap, and the color-guard provides 'flapping-fabric' -- so it's a distraction from the beauty of the rest of the band and their fine uniforms. Those jackets are the best I've seen. I just can't stress that enough. Beautiful uniforms, beautiful style, precision, and that's a wonderful thing. I don't know who they were, but caught 'Arizona' on their banner. I salute you, and your director and volunteers. Outstanding job.

Most of the other marching bands were old-school 'dandy' type marching, and I found it ridiculous to put that much stress on those young musicians. I can see the 'dandy-style' used for a MOMENT on a field during an expositional performance, for example, but in a parade, it's total distraction, tires the performers, and just looks stupid. Those 'dandy-style' Drum Majors inclusive.

That said, there was another really good marching-band, with multiple Drum Majors, but they were MARCHING BACKWARDS, while directing, which is a setup-for-failure like now other. NEVER DO IT. It's a 'liability-issue' for the organization, but most importantly, the injury-potential is ridiculous and so easily avoidable. In the event of a 'ritardando' or 'accelerando' or possibly to begin or end a segment of music, ONE Drum Major MIGHT need to march backwards while directing MOMENTARILY, but should have someone beside them, slightly in front, slightly turned toward them, to CATCH-THEM as a 'spotter' in the event of obstacle or unforseen event, like 'tripping' over something along a parade route, like horse s**t, for example.

I don't think anybody cared enough to stop it. It's like watching a toddler playing with broken glass -- not that that is a 'good comparison,' but the mindset of those whom watch and say/do nothing is similar -- AND some higher-ed 'genius-expert' probably insisted the Director of that band teach it. That's how stupid it is.

What's that have to do with the inauguration itself? A whole lot. Now I have been on-record for years and years saying I'd be tickled 'whatever-color' to see someone with 'skin-color' penetrate the all-white-male exclusive-club of the White House. But seeing those backwards-marching Drum Majors reminded me of a few things ...

-- it reminded me that Senators concoct endless BLAME-scenarios, with endless 'plausible-deniability' scape-goats to point their long-accusatory fingers at, and pick and choose who we vote for and who we don't.

-- it reminded me that the whole nation sits watching idly by, saying nothing, spoon-fed pro AND con opinions to ridicule and scorn each other about endlessly.

-- it reminded me that all other opinions are pre-approved for censorship, because all 'alternative-opinions' have already been pre-dismissed, cast-out, scorned and ridiculed, just like a bunch of hateful Senators' so-called 'shining-example' taught the masses via their religio-educational-media-cabal.

-- it reminded me that claiming 'equality' doesn't make EQUALITY; you can't import 'skin-color,' make it walk and talk and dress and credential and pray just like you and claim 'celebrated-diversity,' that's FAKE 'diversity to celebrate,' FAKE 'all-inclusivity,' FAKE 'equality,' like hateful-religious communities that insist all must be exactly like themselves or be DISFELLOWSHIPED, EXCOMMUNICATED, CAST-OUT, DENIED EQUALITY, hatefully labeled 'offensive/negative' by all the 'positive-people' ruthlessly hammering 'negative-people' against figurative merciless positive-cross-signs using the points of hypocritical forked-tongues as nails in their CRUSADE of FAKE 'unconditional-love/equality.'

-- it reminded me that just saying so, doesn't make it so.

Because it was the most FAKE 'majesty' extravagent, pomp and ceremony EVER, the world's most expensive party EVER, an ORGY of MONEY-LUST, spending billions of tax-dollars WE DON'T HAVE, while hypocritically chanting "fiscal-responsibility." Mention it, get CRUSADED against by 'positive-people.'

Sure, 'change you believed in' -- uh-huh -- sure -- a 'revolution into pomp and ceremony and fake 'majesty' at the expense of LIBERTY.

The former Vice President, Dick Cheney, still Vice President at the beginning of the ceremony, was wheeled-in on a wheelchair, looking a bit humiliated -- who wouldn't be? -- when you lose your ambulatory-skills, for whatever reason, accident, injury or age or whatever, it's humiliating and frustrating as hell -- and I thought about the reasons given by the commentators: "Pulled back-muscles moving boxes."

-- that's interesting, because my first thought was, "He should have asked me! I'd have been happy to help!"

-- and then that 'little-voice' in my head repeated the thoughts of the hateful, saying things like, "The reason he was moving those boxes himself was because he didn't want anybody to see what was in 'em!"

I'm no snoop. And that's just the point, because I don't know anybody that doesn't have a drawer, or box, or wallet or purse that they don't want anybody to look in. Do you? Of course not. I've moved lots of stuff for lots of people, have been entrusted to watch-over lots of private-things for many people, and never once snooped. I even feel guilty when I'm at somebody's house and my eyes inadvertently glance at the names/addresses on envelopes. It's not my mail. I look away, the moment I think about it. Some people attempt to memorize every aspect of it, just to be perversely snooping into other peoples' PRIVATES.

Which is why this inauguration BASH broke the peoples' bank.

Thousands of investigators and agents were 'on-duty' costing thousands per person, and have been for days and days and days and will be for weeks to come, just because of the Democrats' ORGY of MAJESTY-LUST.

They could have done it at the courthouse, like taking 'vows' -- but apparently the sanctity of your 'marriage-vows' aren't nearly as 'significant,' regardless of what's in your crotch or what's done with it. And that just proves it wasn't about WeThePeople -- it was about the PHOTO-OP.

All those 'partiers,' -- don't get me wrong, I love a good party as much as the next person -- but for the government to host such an event while millions have lost their jobs, their livelihoods, their lifestyles, their domestic-partners (due to money-releated realities), their homes foreclosed, their businesses bankrupted -- for the government to host such a flamboyant orgy of majesty-lust, pomp and ceremony, in the so-called 'land-of-no-monarchs,' is embarrassing.

We have public-parks, and lots of people hosted 'get-togethers' today -- and we have 'telephones' and 'satellite-link video-conferencing' and 'internet-video-phones' now -- which would have saved billions of real dollars and countless greenhouse-gas-emissions produced as a result of pomp and ceremony by all those hypocritically claiming your 'carbon-footprint' is 'tax-worthy' -- and have promised to punish you for your travel, including to/from not only your jobs or to see family or vacations or send kids to school, but to see FAKE 'majesty' pomp and ceremony.

-- "'tis the King's desire that the left foot be presented before the right foot, hand out, extended as so -- finger here, the other hand and finger there, eyes downward, now bow ..." and the CHARIOT arrives, the world's most expensive car with an entire ESCORT and FLEET of other CHARIOTS and trumpets, THE WEALTH OF THE PEOPLE SQUANDERED ...

It's not supposed to be that way.

But we all love a good party, eh?


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