Tuesday, January 20, 2009

On Housing And Finance

MY WORDS in response to original-post on a public-access internet website topic-discussion-forum, the thread title is, "Obama Supports Slave Based Housing"


Outstanding post but I DO DISAGREE oh so much. Laughing (standard universal emoticon :lol: does not display on Blogger for whatever reason -- apparently Microsoft's 'genius-experts' can't figure it out ).

I disagree with the Biden FRAUD too, so don't take it personally like he does. You're far more matured as a person I'm sure.

See, a 'tax-credit,' as presented, especially in terms of 'housing' or any business to be certain, is FRAUD -- it doesn't exist -- it's FAKE 'saving-money.'

To explain that, look at this country's debts, and the Democratic Leadership with Biden at the reign, instigated it -- wrote the budgets, merely to blame the last President, Bush.

Now, he is plaigairizing Bush's tax-cuts in a dumbed-down 3rd Bush-term, with a back-stabbing DAGGER to mindphuk the 'middle-class' in our so-called 'classless-system.'

See, the Democrat's budget overspent by TRILLIONS and TRILLIONS and has just pledged TRILLIONS and TRILLIONS more ... $5-trillion to bail-out the banks they setup-for-failure merely to blame the same banks as a diversion from their usurpation of the Financial Industry.

But they obfuscate it -- claiming, "losses were just a few hundred billion, not trillions!" -- which is nonsense. Banks rely on far-reaching FUTURES and they are using PAST PERIODS as 'defining-markers' -- in other words, their 'losses' totals tunnel-vision focus upon one SMALL PORTION of PAST DUEs -- like a 'period' -- a 'year' or may two at best, without including the overall big-picture INTENTIONALLY, either past or future. Banking is all about POTENTIALITIES ... that's what 'interest' is all about, which brings us back to 'tax-credits' --- for the 'middle-class' in this so-called 'classless-system' --

Using the ideology/mindset of Biden's FRAUD which concocted a setup-for-failure for the Financial Industry merely to FAKE 'rescueing' it LATER for selfish political-gamesman-scorekeeping --

-- a 'tax-credit' to SOME, is:

See how that works?

If you are given a FAKE 'tax-reduction' and that's all you hear about, while all your other expenses INFLATE due to higher and higher regulatory nonsense, more fees, more required 'stamps' to purchase, more 'endorsements' to buy, more 'lab-tests' to bring the products you buy to market, more 'service-fees' and 'paperMAKEwork-fees' and 'license-fees' and 'tab-fees' and 'mandated insurance fees' (PRIVATE CLUB ENROLLMENT) and 'mandated expenses' (PRIVATE PRODUCT PURCHASE which is PrivateClubEnrollment), you get a NET TAX INCREASE.

Senators concocted that FRAUD -- that SCAM -- the mindphukery to go along with it -- millions of pages of paperMAKEwork to sift through to OBFUSCATE it -- to HIDE it -- to FAKE being the 'fairest taxing country' when it's the MOST EXPENSIVE COUNTRY ON EARTH if not EXISTENCE.

See, if you ONLY use 'income-tax' as the 'measure' of how 'fairly' a populace is taxed, then you can FAKE saying that your country is the 'fairest of the fair' and the 'least taxed' of other countries.

BUT WE ARE NOT -- for here in the U.S., we are MANDATED to purchase private products, such as health or auto or flood or home or liability or private-practice or employee insurance -- which is FORCED PRIVATE CLUB ENROLLMENT to FORCE the populace to BUY PRIVATE PRODUCTS and JAIL THEM, PUNISH the citizenry for NOT.

THOSE ARE REAL 'chains' OF TYRANNY in DISGUISE, and we are obligated by the Constitution to cast them off -- and Biden just wrote a FRAUDULENT anti-constitutional budget while we all witnessed him TODAY claiming to 'uphold the constitution.'

The Legislative Branch is entirely out-of-control and just SELECTED one of their own to infiltrate and infect the Executive Branch to HIDE it.

-- 'two,' actually. In fact, they chose ALL WHOM MADE IT AND ALL WHOM DID NOT, and spent a BILLION dollars of tax-payers' money doing it, THEN threw the world's most expensive party/bash today while hypocritically chanting, 'fiscal responsibility.' That's how gross it's become -- and look, mention it, get labeled a 'racist' -- that's how f****d-up it truly is.

With that in mind, I disagree with your thoughts about rent being 'slavery,' although I've rented many times and it sure feels oppressive. But now you know who concocted that system. It's not a land-owners 'fault' -- it's not your Landlord's fault. They invested money into real property, and rented it to somebody that doesn't have money to invest in real property in that manner. Maybe someday they will -- but at the time, offering a rental SHELTER of some type or another, temporary or longish-term, is doing somebody a FAVOR.

And there are so many portions of this topic that we can get bogged-down discussing. Like 'rent-controls' and 'out-of-control-housing-costs,' etc. Due to the FAKE 'tax-credit' situation I described firstly, that is what concocts the environment of out-of-control housing prices, rental prices, and thereby holds-down entire demographics because it s*cks-off all the income those renters could ever use to buy into the 'american dream' and buy or build a home of their own.

Instead, Democrats protected religio-educational-cabals to devise 'credentialing-systems' of FAKE 'majesty,' including 'land-barons' and 'political-dynasties,' be they 'blood-relatives' or NOT -- then FAKED 'all-about-the-little-guy,' and 'all-about-the-poor' and 'all-about-the-working-family' while giving FAKE 'tax-credits' simultaneously with endless MORE FEES/REGULATIONS and SPENDING THE NEXT 666 GENERATIONS taxes paid-in in order to DOMINATE IT -- have power over it -- concocting endless 'crisis' to PROFIT, see -- see it yet? -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle instigation/HOPE, then FAKING 'majesty' to FAKE 'rushing to the rescue' LATER, while casting more of WeThePeople into DUNGEONS over stupid s**t than ANY MONARCH EVER WOULD, and all those dungeons and enforcements and regulations cost all the spent-taxes of the next 666 generations -- because it's FRAUD --


And that's what you are really alluding to, but you're just supposed to bend-over and take it.


Kind Regards,


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