Tuesday, January 20, 2009

MyWordsOnBlogs 1st Entry

This blog will be a record of my comments about various topics on public-access internet website topic-discussion-forums. Thousands of my posts were ERASED/DELETED by the hateful. Further, somebody or somebodies criminally trespasses, enters my PRIVATE property, goes through my PRIVATES, and has stolen my backups, my Mission Notes, and copied-over a backup hard-drive using it, apparently, as some type of 'medium' to transfer data from CD's to another device, or something. I'm not sure, but a modified CD 'backup' rendered 'partial' was copied-over my backup harddrive, which contained a LINUX VOLUME that is non-recoverable, and at the time, the 'journaling' feature was being used, and the journal had become corrupt, so I had the hard-drive set aside so that one day I could take it to a Linux expert to recover the journal, or until I could buy a Linux manual and learn how to do it myself.

This blog will be an effort to have an 'online-backup' of certain posts about pursuits of life, liberty and happiness per Jefferson'sPROMISE and the TimelessMessage. The 'main-blog' is still http://ResusCitateHumanity.BlogSpot.Com , and if I include a link to 'additional-comments,' it will now be here in this blog.

Kind Regards,
cwinton (at) priestiver (dot) com


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