Tuesday, January 20, 2009

On Immigration

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 1:11 am Post subject: Immigration

a forum-user wrote:
the only solution to mass poverty is to massively reduce the human population.

"hey guys! lets go to where the people are prosperous, and once we f**k that place up we will move to the next most prosperous place, cuz we are locusts. whatever we do, lets not fight to make our current situation better." END_QUOTE
And another forum-user named, "ThoughtProcess" wrote:
Oh yes all hail genocide. Our savior

MY WORDS responding to above quotes:

Christianity has been molested into brainwashing kids and adults alike into thinking that mass-murdering everybody in existence is a 'positive-godly-good-plan,' when obviously it's the eptome of hate. They twist their own 'scriptures' into 'prophetic-doomsday-claims' in HOPE it happens to 'usher-in' the GENOCIDE of all the people they are INTOLERANT of, and then go bow-down before their BLANDNESS KING forevermore in total subserviance, DOMINATED as 'negative' by their 'positive' IDOL/FalseGod.

Would you want people that think that way to determine who is your 'equal' and who is 'not' in this, the 'land-of-equality'?

That's what we've got, a Senator-driven religio-educational-media-cabal promoting superstitions to molest religions and governments alike, here and abroad, with DefensiveServices USED as PawnsOfWar, endlessly setup-for-failure, missions undermined, repeatedly.

See, Mexicans and Cubans ARE Native Americans. Who HATES diversity, while hypocritically chanting 'land-of-celebrated-differences'? The same FAKE 'christians' that HOPE for HOLOCAUST and whom have infiltrated and infected the 'weak-spot' of all democracies, the Legislative Branch, a silent coup d' etat to be certain, and DefensiveServices always TAKES THE BLAME, the Commander In Chief inclusive.

Except this new one -- notice? They'll FAKE 'economic-recovery' by waging economic-war against anybody that has anything and everybody that has nothing, the richest and the poorest, and select a few sensationalized 'examples' of FAKE 'recovery' and spew endless platitudes about 'anything is possible ... just believe ... have faith ... hope .. now pray."

And there are many 'possible-outcomes,' including killing him as yet another DIVERSION, then PROFITING from atop the rubble, misery and grief, as usual, calling it, "job-growth," as they increase taxes ever higher to build more dungeons and cast-out more 'negatives/inferiors' into it, regardless of skin-color, and hire more higher-ed/college-grads to 'counsel' a 'grieving-nation's wounds' -- and chant, "More police! More police!" as usual, killing and getting killed and taking the blame, as usual.

That's what Senators do -- that's what molested Legislative Branches do, always have. Diversions from their total usurpation of power, little by little, while doing nothing but DENYING THE OBVIOUS.

Or concoct yet another 'nemesis' to go wage war against, using Defensive Services as PawnsOfWar, as usual, then BLAMING troops, as usual, regardless of outcomes.

See the 'care-package-drive' on ABC-GMA? Now, care-packages are great, especially when you're overseas, or anywhere for that matter. But now, it's all 'little distractions,' techno gadgets, 'stuff,' and all that 'stuff' in their ears and eyes is getting 'em killed/injured/maimed. And food-stuffs to warzones is a grave security-risk, so all cookies and things like that should be pre-packaged, and all ingredients should be clearly defined on the labels, including if the food-stuff (cookies or whatever) was made in facilities that process PEANUTS, or things like that.

-- because illness is being EXPORTED, not just to IMMIGRANTS, mostly Native Americans, but to troops in-the-field. During warfare, regardless of 'sentimentality-issues,' even mail is oftentimes INCINERATED for that exact reason. We need troops ALERT, not coming down with sniffles, salmonella poisoning, allergic reactions, distracted by iPods or digital-photos or whatever. DON'T YOU CARE ENOUGH ABOUT THEM? It's WAR FFS! Not a 'field-trip' to see 'grandma.'

Immigration-controls have always been inclusive of disease-control for that exact reason. BECAUSE THE 'distraction' WILL BE PLAGUE.

We need immigrants -- we need global-travel access to as many as possible -- to build as many natural resistances as possible, and we need global-cooperative-efforts in defeating mutating viri RIGHT NOW.


further comments:

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 1:28 am Post subject:

AmericanDreamer wrote:
Can you explain another way they can get a WMD into the country?


We're already infiltrated and infected. Time-delay. And it seems to be 'working-just-dandy' because attrition has crippled the finance industry, underming all other industries, including Human Services.

What is the Democratic-leadership doing about it? Hosting the world's most expensive BASH ever. Go figure.

Forum-user named, "ThoughtProcess" made a satyrical quip about exactly that, to which I expounded. I love humor like that -- a 'rolling-eyes' emoticon is most appropriate for such comments -- but even so, that satirical-facetious remark gave me 'comfort' in knowing that someone, somebody, somewhere, isn't a hateful-religio-sociopath.

And it doesn't take a 'rocket' or 'missile' or 'submarine' or 'train' or 'tank' or 'jet' to deliver WMD anymore. One person infected with Ebola, or Hoof-and-Mouth, or H5N1 spreads and kills quickly. A small vial of H6N6 will deliver PRIONS to mass-destruct not just cities, not just states, but entire regions, making it just as 'uninhabitable' as nuclear-fallout.

And since all the religions have been molested into INTOLERANCE disguised as 'peace/love/tranquility/concern,' with their HOPE to 'cleanse from the face of Earth' all the 'infidels/blasphemers/sinners/heretics,' then, we need to GET REAL and ADDRESS THE REAL 'enemies' and stop playing stupid word-games FAKING 'wounds' from WORDS.

We don't hateful-religionists going around brainwashing their 'flocks' to think 'scriptural-passages' such as Revelations is a 'promise' -- it's NOT -- it's a WARNING to NOT BE DIVIDED into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling-tribes knit-picking 'positives' and 'negatives,' or THAT IS THE OUTCOME, so DO NOT BE THAT WAY.

Instead, they HOPE for it -- WISH for it -- PROMOTE it -- INSTIGATE it -- even in their 'entrusted official capacities' infiltrated and infected within GOVERNMENTS and DefensiveServices of WeThePeople whom exist merely to serve and protect all people equally AGAINST EXACTLY THAT.

We don't need borders anymore -- we need the ThirdEye -- we need an all-volunteer microchip program to instantly PROVE YOUR INNOCENSE -- regardless of location, and track your taxes and all the Senators' endless-complications PAPERLESSLY, to REDUCE COSTS instead of concocting more and consuming more resources doing it. Those whom don't volunteer for implantation, get all the complications they HOPE for.


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