Wednesday, January 21, 2009

On California's DEBTS

[quote="Honorius"]Is that a nice way of saying you want a military coup?[/quote]



We don't need that and it's insulting you'd attempt to claim I promote it. It's very small-minded, IMHO, because only our own hateful Legislative-branch has molested the minds of WeThePeople into thinking they, the Legislative Branch itself, is 'the government.' The Legislative Branch most certainly is NOT. It's ONE BRANCH that needs pruning desperately. We have a beautiful country, a beautiful people, a beautiful government, and it's been beaten-to-death by an 'olive-branch' of obfuscatory mindphukery stemming from one, out-of-control, sick, twisted, fucked-up branch that needs to be PRUNED.

It's the branch that claimed they could 'make people equally' per the Declaration and Constitution and just concocted excuses to TALK about it while GENOCIDING Native Americans and TALK about it while keeping 'blacks' in-chains for a CENTURY, then SEGREGATED for another CENTURY, then economically oppressed ever since. Just because they hold up a few extreme-examples and claim, "see, we've changed," is not PROOF of ANYTHING substantive of either 'change' or 'equality' or freedom.

That branch has concocted excuses to usurp control over every aspect of pursuits of life, liberty and happiness, and continues it's hate campaign against NATIVES from the AMERICAS in CUBA and MEXICO to this very day. Forum-users like "Ozzone" give Republicans a bad-name for that EXACT REASON, and the Democratic DIVIDE's (party's) members are NO DIFFERENT, just using pre-approved ver

sions of the SAME 'pro' or 'con' arguments spoon-fed from that hateful out-of-control BRANCH as excuses to DENY EQUALITY, and TALK about it FOREVER ...

-- while spending the next 666-generation's taxes;

WE'RE BROKE. WTF part of 'broke' doesn't ANYBODY get?

Now, these hateful Legislative Branches and their 'franchises' are concocting more excuses to outspend yet another 666-generations of peoples' taxes.

ONE plague, and we're ALL DONE.


[quote="Ozzone"]The bottom line is that California is in debt over 15 billion.
Illegals cost the state government billions. The actual cost/benefit is debatable but the benefit is nowhere near the cost.

One question that is hard to answer. Should the state violate or discard federal law forcing lawful citizens to support unlawful ones?[/quote]
Totally and utterly unprovable. You have no clue if the benefits outweigh the costs because you don't know the actual benefits. It would be a ridiculously complex mathematical process to include it. Not to mention the so-called "costs" are inflated because we "try" hard to eliminate all the illegals.

I'm not saying that illegals who are caught shouldn't be deported, but the fact is, you don't know how much illegals cost. For all we know, it could be a new-benefit. How much more would food costs without illegals? You willing to risk that chance that all food might cost 35-65% more + less state and local revenues? Maybe I'm reaching, maybe I'm underestimating. Who knows...

But I do know costs in the products you buy will have a much worse response by consumers than by the result in taxes.[/quote]


That's an outstanding point -- and Forum-user named Ozzone hits it on the figurative head, also, by exploring the cost-analysis. So, the real question isn't being discussed, however, the real issue, because all that is presented here are the same 'pro' and 'con' SQUABBLES pre-approved/spoon-fed by our hatefully DIVIDED house of Congress and state Legislators following hateful Congress' so-called 'shining-example' of DIVIDES.

They need to be sent home. Not immigrants, documented or otherwise -- THE DIVIDED HOUSES. Need a few trillion? TAKE IT. Take the silver-ware -- TAKE THE FURNITURE -- who cares? THEY'LL TAKE IT ANYWAY!

Here's how to SOLVE it just for STARTERS:

1) At the border, have a voluntary microchip program to PROVE YOUR INNOCENCE. Any person caught 'illegally' has forfeited the 'voluntary' portion, and will be microchipped. Documented citizens may also volunteer for the PAPERWORK_REDUCTION_II ACT that our hateful FAKE 'representatives' will NEVER do, so it's all on the Executive Branch and Defensive Services in this time of CRISIS. Make no mistake about it, it's a REAL CRISIS, not a FAKE 'crisis,'

-- meanwhile, our hateful LegisHaters just spent BILLIONS on a BIG-BASH in 'honor' of THEMSELVES, with millions suffering frost-bite, medical emergencies and extraordinary frustrations due to delays and inconveniences, with ZERO ASSISTANCE, proving it was all about the PHOTO_OP for THEMSELVES (Congress), and had nothing to do with WeThePeople whom were DEFRAUDED BILLIONS for the Legislative Branch's PARTY.

-- it's the MOST EXPENSIVE 'drain' AGAINST RESOURCES THIS COUNTRY HAS, state-by-state, and nationally. It's ALL FAKE 'majesty' -- pomp and ceremony, in the so-called 'land-of-independence-from-royalty.'

2) STOP PAYING CONGRESS FIRST, put THE PEOPLE of California FIRST. And take care of 'em -- ALL OF THEM, and stop faking being "Sgt Schultz" from Hogan's Heroes, "Papers! Papers!" as excuses to suck-off the resources of WeThePeople shuffling paperMAKEwork and thereby draining RESOURCES.

3) Mobilize whatever IT services possible -- I suggest out-sourcing to Taiwan, whom knows exactly how to make healthcare PAPERLESS -- since our own hateful Legishaters and their Legislative-educational-religio-CABAL will NEVER DO IT -- just concoct excuses to hire more of themselves and shuffle paperMAKEwork chanting, "We're so stressed! Look at all our 'productivity' shuffling papers! We need MORE MONEY! MORE STAFF! MORE BENEFITS! MORE TRAVEL! MORE CATERED-LUNCH! MORE MEETINGS TO TALK ABOUT IT! MORE RAISES!" endlessly.

-- if they do ANYTHING, it will be super-duper-massive-EXPENSIVE JUNK, totally SENSATIONALIZED, affecting one hospital group, or insurance group, as a FAKE 'example' that will NEVER go further than ONE or two, maybe a few communities, claiming "this is where we're going, but we'll need another several generations and a few hundred billion dollars to get there. But FIRST! WE need RAISES! MORE STAFF! MORE MEETINGS TO TALK ABOUT IT! Quick! Cater-lunch! It's a crisis!" :roll:

SmartCards, in other words. Entire nations already do it. ZERO PAPERWORK. TOTAL CONFIDENTIALITY, instead of the FAKE 'privacy' we have in the 'land-of-promised-backstabbing-hateful-rumormongering-hypocrits.'

With the organization skills of Defensive Services, be they wearers of uniforms or not, IT COULD BE DONE BY NEXT WEEK.

Leave it to our hateful Legislative-educational-religio-CABAL, it will be FAKE, for a FEW, and cost endless-billions of FAKE 'crisis' and FAKE 'conversions' and FAKE 'excuses-never-to-solve-anything' -- they don't want to solve it, they want to retire 'phaaaat' CLAIMING it.

Government is about the people, not 'legislative-tyranny' and that out-of-control branch claiming they themselves are 'the government.'

And all those microchipped volunteers, earn their 'documents' volunteering to assist establishment of the paperless system our own hateful legislative-educational-religio-CABAL will NEVER DELIVER.

WHAT IS THE POINT OF TALKING ANYMORE ABOUT IT? That same hateful educational-legislative-religio-cabal PROMISED TO FIX IT for DECADES, CENTURIES even, and all it does is setup-for-failure yet another generation, so they themselves can pat each other on the backs and claim they were the 'best-of-the-best-of-the-best' ENDLESSLY in self-aggrandizing HATEFULNESS that DIVIDES communities into ever-increasing numbers of SQUABBLING TRIBES, instead of UNITING 'tribes,' communities, teams, families, states, regions, countries in PeaceOnEarth AS COMMANDED.

Kind Regards,


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