Thursday, January 22, 2009

On Cuba

2nd Additional comments added below 01222009;21:59PST by myself, of course. See below.

Additional comments added below 01222009;21:46PST by myself, Clayton Leon Winton (no others are permitted to manipulate this blog in any manner).

PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 12:21 am Post subject: "'normalized' Relations With Cuba"

WRL wrote:
Easy answer there, N O!

Not until the Castro regime has fallen, lets not forget these are the guys responsible for allowing Soviet Nuclear missiles just 90 miles off our coast, and with their recent cozying up with Iran, who finances the terrorist organizations hamas, and hezbollah, it's simply put, a bad idea. You don't think Iran would jump at the opportunity to give/finance the US a hamas?



I think I'm most-qualified to answer this, as I am an ADVOCATE for Israel AND Cuba AND the United States AND Native Americans, and never forget that CUBANS ARE Native Americans.

Our country has a history of HATING NATIVE AMERICANS, oppressing them after GENOCIDING multiple-continents of them, putting them in CAGES and calling it 'reserves' and 'sovereign nations,' stealing all the resources from those FAKE 'sovereign lands,' sensationalizing the 'value' of the 'compensation,' then setting-up-for-failure the DESCENDENTS in the HOPE they'll go kill or 'live in squalor' or 'never amount to anything' -- then outlaw every attempt at bettering themselves, be it through fireworks or tobacco sales, and now 'allowing' gambling, merely so the hateful-religionists that always hated diversity to begin with, can point their long-accusatory fingers at 'indian reservations' chanting goose-step in lock-step at 'injuns,' "Ahhh-huh! SEE! THEY are WORSE than WE!" as usual.

See, the gambling enterprises are setups-for-failure also, because it's just a matter of time before they tax the reservations (punishments for profits), and tax if not outright ban the citizens that visit those reservations that win gambling-earnings. In many respects, it's already 'in-progress' little-by-little.

If they get 'too-profitable,' they'll just seize it, outright, as our hateful Legislative-religio-educational-media-CABAL always has. Usurp total-control over it in one way or another -- eventually.

I am also an ADVOCATE for the advancement of relations with Russia.

Economic, militarily and otherwise, and China, so don't think for one moment that I'm thinking about a 'russo-USan-front' to 'counter' China or anything like that. That would be typical 2-dimensional-thinking and I highly and most vociferously oppose 2-dimensional-thinking for a number of reasons mostly related to Global Security.

Nor am I claiming that we need a 'united-front' with Russia and China to 'counter' the "islamic-front.' That is also 2-dimensional-thinking -- an extension of cold-war-era mindsets that most of the world has advanced beyond except the dinosaurs in our own hateful retarded Legislative Branches, that said all people were 'equal' except women and 'people-of-color' (POCs) and protected that hatefulness to a certain degree, to this day in many very subtle ways -- a century to keep 'not their kinds of people' ENSLAVED -- a General that liberated slaves and was FIRED for it by President Lincoln whom LATER stole the idea to revise history and claim the Civil War was all about 'emancipation' -- a Legislative Branch implication of conspiracy in his murder to thusly revise the entire 'social-paradigm' regarding that awful war-period in USan history -- then another centery of SEGREGATION, yet Native Americans STILL ARE,


Israel: Jews were rounded-up at the end of WWII, all of their wealth seized, stolen from them, their businesses 'reclaimed' and turned-over to 'not-jews,' including their homes and all of their private possessions throughout Europe and even here in the United States, then dropped-off in the middle of a f***ing desert, with nothing, in the 'backyards' of NATIVES -- a setup-for-failure by the SAME Hateful-religious-Legislative-educational-media-CABAL that as an institution is one of the oldest RELIGIONS on this continent, and make no mistake about it, it's a 'religion' and that's why they tell you to 'believe' instead of have an 'evaluative-opinion' based upon things verifiable with your five-senses in REALITY verses the wishful-thinking of non-verifiable-with-your-five-senses of belief-systems. They even re-wrote dictionaries at their Legislative-funded religious-universities to deliberately confuse the difference between a 'belief' and an 'opinion'.

The sick-twisted HOPE is to put Jews in a position where 'christians' can chant, "Ahhh-huh! SEE! THEY are JUST AS BAD IF NOT WORSE THAN WE!"


I love Israel so much, I NEVER want to see them do anything even close to it -- but look how they are being provoked, and look where it's going -- how it's 'playing-out' -- which is why I want to turn-over YELLOWSTONE to Israel, a NewIsrael, just called, "Israel," because Israel is Israel regardless of TIME of LOCATION.

With a 'black-president' now to take the BLAME, the HOPE of that same, antiquated, centuries-old, hateful-legislative-religious-educational-media-CABAL is say, "Ahhh-huh! SEE! THEY are JUST AS BAD IF NOT WORSE THAN WE!" -- and their sick-twisted HOPE is Obama goes and NUKES 'islamic-whatevers' -- or China or somebody -- ANYBODY.

That's why I'm so flippin' PISSED_OFF at the United Nations, because they have YET to send MULTI-NATIONAL TROOPS to DEFEND BOTH Israel AND residents of GAZA. WTF are they doing? TALKING! Like their self-important photo-op TALKS are of 'higher-priority' than REAL PEOPLE IN MISERY.

I asked the Bush Team to do it -- they had 'short-timers-disease' apparently, or held-hostage by that same hateful legislative-religious-educational-media-CABAL -- which is MOST LIKELY.

Therefore I disagree with your assessment regarding Cuba. I have ADVOCATED for open-access between Cuba and the United States for decades, because chanting "land-of-the-free" and "land of no censorship" when we can't even buy products from Cuba or travel to a beautiful destination just 90-miles away, while being TAXED for our travels due to 'greenhouse-gas-emissions' thereby our FREE CHOICES RESTRICTED to destinations THOUSANDS OF MILES AWAY, is no more than a concocted TAX-FRAUD perpetrated AGAINST BOTH Native Americans AND United States citizens.

Thank you for your time.

Kind Regards,


Our hateful Legislative Branch 'kept-down' the good people of Cuba and Mexico and BEYOND -- make NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT.




-- and most importantly BRIDGE BUILDING.

Now, one of the concerns when building bridges is 'obstructions' to shipping-lanes, especially the Navy (reference Chesapeake Bay Bridge-tunnel, for example)

That's why we need a TOTALLY NEW BRIDGE CONCEPT, based upon a ReverseTunedMassDamper system, and no 'bridge-deck' -- but 'shuttles' that can fit multiple vehicles, one after another -- and in the event of war-fare, will NOT OBSTRUCT WATERWAYS.

It's FAR LESS EXPENSIVE, uses FAR LESS RESOURCES, is FASTER TRAVEL, is FAR MORE National_Security ORIENTED, and Global-Security too (especially) -- and thereby reduces greenhouse-gas emissions drastically, for many reasons, but mostly because it can be constructed RAPIDLY, verses our higher-ed 'genius-expert' bridge-concepts currently used as manuals to WORSHIP and HATE those whom don't, religiously.

Best of all, such a system is EXPANDABLE, easily, quickly, very inexpensively, whereas our current manual-worshiping bridge/road-concepts are CLOSED-SYSTEMS, therefore 'money-pits,' and MOST OF IT'S COST is in TALKING, and paying higher-ed 'genius-experts' to TRAVEL AROUND on 'field-trips' TALKING for YEARS and YEARS and YEARS before a single shovel turns a single grain of sand or dirt (reference I-90 corridor with a North-South Hwy-2 Interchange in Eastern Washington).

In the so-called 'land-of-no-censorship' WE USans ARE CENSORED FROM CUBA and CUBAN PRODUCTS.

Either our Legislative Branch is PERPETRATING FRAUD every time they say 'land-of-the-free' or they MUST CHANGE EVERY WORD OF EVERY BOOK AND MANUAL AND FLIER AND PRESS_RELEASE AND tourist-guide in print.

If you did it, or I did it, we'd be in the dungeons (prisons) concocted by those FAKE 'majesties' in a heartbeat. YOU KNOW IT AND I KNOW IT.

We need 'make-nice' with Cuban moreso now than EVER -- and that truly is about National Security. Every passing moment we don't, that we do not 'normalize-relations,' our known and 'not-known' ENEMIES conspire to 'make-nice' 90-miles off our coast.

Kind Regards,
3Ons/HFA (which is me, Clayton Leon Winton)


It no longer makes 'military-sense' to 'wait-and-see' who does or doesn't, regarding our enemies, attempt to 'make-nice' 90-miles off our coast.

That was the ONLY argument with a single 'grain' of psuedo-validity for EVER DOING IT.

The reason it no longer makes sense is because WE HAVE MOSTLY ENEMIES due to our own hateful-religious-educational-media-CABAL, and WE ARE AT WAR FOR REAL, a WAR OF ATTRITION, a 'multi-faceted' war, a war of survival, usually referred to as 'asymetrical-warfare.' Just because there are not bombs going off in your neighborhood, doesn't mean there isn't a war happening right now AGAINST YOU.

And those higher-ed 'genius-experts' have ALREADY SPEND $100-TRILLION DOLLARS -- the next 666-generations of YOUR KIDS' tax-dollars, TALKING -- and outlawing PRODUCTIVITY/INNOVATION in subtle-ways.

Higher-ed needs be LIBERATED from that cabal, PRONTO.

And our Legislative Branches, conspiring with 'counterparts' globally, in most every government, ONLY TALK TO THEMSELVES -- nobody else -- it's all about THEMSELVES and the 'credentialing-system' that CENSOR EVERYBODY ELSE.

With Defensive Services stuck in the middle, killing and getting killed and taking the BLAME, over and over and over -- therefore at the EXPENSE of YOU and YOUR Sons and Daughters, LITERALLY.

And that hateful legislative-religious-educational-media-cabal is the FIRST to promote the SUPERSTITION about 'industrial-military-complex' as a DIVERSION from what they themselves have been and are doing.

$100-TRILLION dollars -- pledged-out; spent; LOST.

That completely UNDERMINES National and Global Security FOREVER -- under this system.


They did it intentionally FOR THAT EXACT REASON, because they know Defensive Services is obligated under the Constitution to cast-off those chains of tyranny.

The 'tool' of-choice being HOLDING_DOWN ... demographics, just like Native Americans, including CUBANS.


Kind Regards,
Clayton Leon Winton


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