Monday, January 26, 2009

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 4:58 pm Post subject:

MY WORDS (Clayton Leon Winton as 'Tracker' on a public-access internet website topic-discussion-forum)

'Postive' is a SYMPTOM of ILLNESS, by definition, except to those whom have been dumbed-down via pop-psychology, but in all medical-fields, which includes psychology, which is inclusive of 'attitude,' a 'positive-test-result' means you are SICK and in need of MEDICAL TREATMENT --

-- so, when somebody says "positive-developments" they are either CONFUSED or INTENTIONALLY BEING CONFUSING to SELL the PRODUCT of MENTAL_HEALTH_COUNSELING to BANKRUPT HEALTHCARE.


If you have a 'positive-result' in a drug-test, you get FIRED and possibly PROSECUTED.

If you have a 'positive-development' in your blood-test, for HIV, the viri commonly-thought to be the precursor to AIDS, what's that tell you about 'be positive'?

When the ECONOMY is AILING, it too displays POSITIVE TEST RESULTS.

The entire concept of 'positive-negative' (or negative-positive, same thing) is a FRAUD.

It's also anti-christ messaging, because 'positive-people' concoct any excuse, such as WORDS or MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY to CRUSADE against 'negative-people' to selfishly DENY EQUALITY, thereby hammering 'negatives' ruthlessly against their merciless positive-cross-signs, using the points of their hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS, a process called, "FigurativeCarpentry," -- which is FAKE 'carpentry' -- FAKE 'productivity' -- it's ALL IN THEIR HEADS ...

Why promote THAT?

Mention it, and the DECEIVED do very predictable things:

1) FAKE 'victimhood' from FAKE 'wounds' with FAKE 'pain' and FAKE 'suffering' IMAGINED IN THEIR HEADS to have been 'inflicted' from FAKE 'attacks' from the FAKE 'weapons' of WORDS ...

-- YOURS, as an excuse to CENSOR.

2) THEN, they chant goose-step in lock-step, "How hateful! Why are you oppressing we/us/me!" proving brainwashing, complete closed-minded, 2-dimensional-thinking. BE HEALED OF IT!

3) THEN, they claim, "Well, I think maybe some of us were like that once, but not anymore -- I don't know anybody like that -- I know I'm not!" everytime it's mentioned that they are CRUSADING, while hypocritically demanding 'total-unconditional-love-and-equality' for their own selfish-selves.

It's the ideology of DIVIDES, ideological crucifiXtion, see -- which is anti-christ messaging, so BE HEALED OF IT -- please -- please don't be that way. Your ECONOMY needs YOUR HELP because that ThoughtVirus, that ReignOfTyrannyViri -- that mental-illness, is KILLING IT from WITHIN.

Thank you and kind regards,
3Ons (Clayton Leon Winton)


Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 10:54 pm Post subject: Re: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Forum-user named "Quell" wrote:
Between this and the bailouts we have all ready done..including Bear Sterns, and AIG..anyone have any idea what size check they would have written every household in this country?
Forum-user "homerjay_s" wrote:
Roughly $2 trillion divided by 304 million = $6579/each person.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 10:54 pm Post subject: Re: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Thank you. But it doesn't work-out quite that way.

Dependents of tax-payers don't get it, so their 'EcoSim' goes to the 'parent/guardian.'

Therefore, the number is nearly double 'per person,' or, about $4,500.00 mailed to the same 'qualified persons' as the last round of $300/checks, but for only the approx amount requested by the Democratic DIVIDE, $850-Billion, which is FAKE 'stimulus,' as it's all 'credits' -- so 'less spending by households and possibly businesses' -- the mindphukery of 'saving' -- but it doesn't get 'saved' in any bank account -- it's just money you didn't get a TAX BILL on, and wouldn't make any difference, because the 'qualifying target household' will be mindphuked into paying other fines/fees/services/taxes anyway.

That is why I said a check for $3,000.00 per person is the RIGHT THING TO DO AND IT'S THE RIGHT TIME TO DO IT, and will cost approx $850-Billion - $1.3-Trillion, which is the 'budget-target-range' talked about.

And it should be disbursed via VISA GIFT CARDS and/or VISA DEBIT CARDS, because the cost for all the paperMAKEwork through all the higher-ed 'genius-expert' offices at the various governmental AGENCIES is something like $75-100-BILLION 's*cked-off' from the economic-stimulation, then 'mathemagically' spreadsheet'd into " ... only a few hundred million!" -- as they hold up a four-page mailer that cost $28-million to tell you a 'check is coming in your mailbox,' etc. (why didn't they just send the check and 'save' $28-million to begin with?!)

-- producing the 28-million-dollar mailer cost TENS OF MILLIONS MORE ... because they held months of photo-op'g 'crisis-talks' to knit-pick every word, every FONT, every 'pretty little graphic,' and catered-lunch while doing it, ignoring WHAT THEY WERE HIRED TO DO while doing it, then got OVERTIME to do their 'regular jobs.'


They said they could 'fix-it' -- remember?

They said their 'college-educations' were all about 'reducing needless complications and redundencies.' Remember?

They said their 'credentials' 'streamlined-operations' -- REMEMBER?

They said only they and people like them, higher-ed, degreed, had the 'right stuff' to make it 'simpler' -- REMEMBER?

They said that their 'expensive credentialing-system' was the 'best of the best' and the 'finest' therefore the 'only plausible manner' in which to 'fix' it -- REMEMBER?

They said that by buying the PRODUCT of a 'credential,' they had the 'wisdom' and 'experience' to 'quickly and efficiently' convert 'government' to a 'paperless system' -- REMEMBER?

DECADES AGO ... they've never stopped saying it -- the complications just get more and more numerous, and the paperMAKEwork (it's FAKE 'work' FFS!) just keeps piling up higher and higher and higher, while they hire more and more of 'their kinds of people,' their own PRIVATE CLUB MEMBERSHIP that DISENFRANCHISES EVERYBODY ELSE ...

-- at the EXPENSE of WeThePeople ...



PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:16 am Post subject:The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

I agree it's an 'Economic SIMULATION' more than a REAL Economic Stimulus Plan.

There's nothing in it that will help 'just folks' with their past-due bills; past-due credit-cards; past-due mortgages/rent; past-due utility payments; past-due medical bills; past-due and much needed attention at the DENTIST! --

-- let alone past-due and much needed MAINTENANCE on their cars/trucks/tools, homes, or whatever.

And if they did have a REAL Economic Stimulus payment, there would be money to save all those 'ma-and-pop' small-businesses that keep going BANKRUPT --

-- money spent at the local diners, local theaters, local bars, local hotels, local motels, local dance clubs, local arenas, local bowling alleys, local repair shops, local TIRE SHOPS, local ski shops, local restaurants, etc.,

Instead, they want to give 'tax-credits' which GIVES NO REAL MONEY TO ANYBODY -- because the real money was already spent -- therefore FAKE 'stimulus' -- therefore a 'simulation' of 'economics' -- FAKE by definition.

In order to stimulate this economy, everybody needs a check for $3,000.00 to spend at all the businesses that are going bankrupt, or to go on vacation, or repair their cars or homes, or replace all their worn-out clothes, or buy study-books or software and computers to improve their mental sharpness, or buy entertainments that have been much yearned-for but unaffordable due to the hateful Legislative-cabal's conspiracy to inflate energy-prices and kill economy to usurp control over the finance-industry, killing the auto-sector in the process -- and killing the housing market, and the ma-and-pop small-businesses along with it --

We need a REAL STIMULATING economic ORGASM, not a FAKE 'groan and wiggle.'

Not a check for $300 (they granted themselves a multi-billion dollar party at YOUR EXPENSE, gave themselves a $300/day ALLOWANCE and claimed they didn't 'vote-themselves-a-raise' -- and increased their own 'budgets' to hire more staff, more assistants, buy the world's finest furniture and computers and telecommunications equipment and travel FOR THEIR OWN SELFISH SELVES --

Not a check for $500 ... (they spend $500 for BREAKFAST and call it a 'business-briefing');

A payment of $3000.00 to everybody, make it a VISA GIFT CARD, as that company won't concoct excuses to sit around TALKING ABOUT IT FOR MONTHS/YEARS while real people STARVE and/or FREEZE and/or go BANKRUPT and/or HOMELESS and/or become so frustrated they go bazerk and go to the 'mall' to do some 'shooting' instead of 'shopping.'


Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:21 am Post subject:The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

I find it offensive that the same Legislative-credentialing-system-CABAL that concocted this economic f**k-up, require the same 'credentials' as the 'qualifications' to be on the President's Advisory Panel to fix it --

-- therefore the same 'credentialing-system' has usurped control over WeThePeoples' government by requiring a 'pedigree' from their own concocted 'credentialing-system' (PRIVATE CLUB MEMBERSHIP) while hypocritically chanting "... of the people, by the people."

-- "Of the people, by the people" MY ASS!


Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:35 am Post subject: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

-- "Nobody but 'our-kinds-of-people' could possibly interpet and thereby have the understanding necessary to divine our inspired words, therefore we have deemed it necessary to prohibit any others from our holy worship ..."

It's a RELIGION! It is most definately NOT 'of the people, by the people.'

Our Legislative Branches are TOTALLY OUT OF f***ing CONTROL.

They will NOT 'stimulate' ANYTHING -- only FAKE it -- like this:

"Quick! Call the cameras! We've just funded a $1 for the kids' school-program! We're so wonderful! We've sacrificed so hard! Deserve a raise! We'll meet back here next month to give ourselves AWARDS and REWARDS for our hard-work on behalf of the people! And in another few years, hold another photo-op when we get-around to funding another $1 for kids schooling! Martini? Let's go to 'recess' -- how 'bout take a flight to Paris and call it a 'comparison-educational-funding-conference! Ta-ta!"

-- "get out of my way! Get that camera out of my face! Get that microphone out of here! Can't you see our news-brief is over? We've important things to do now -- so get out of the way -- we're off to talk about important stuff while taking 'recess' in Paris -- errr, I mean, we're rushing to an international consortium of divergent intellectuals discussing the quality of education in our schools ..."

And next month, they'll do it again -- maybe next week -- hell, maybe tomorrow --- over and over and over, same s**t, different day. IT'S ALL ABOUT THEMSELVES. They FAKED a 'crisis' to destabilize economy AT OUR EXPENSE only to FAKE 'rushing to the rescue' wearing FAKE 'shining-white-armor' riding FAKE 'white-stallions' as FAKE 'white-knights' in their FAKE 'majesty,' a FANTASY of self-importance.

Oh! School crisis! Quick! Cater-lunch! It's a crisis! Let's TALK! Call the cameras! "Massive educational-reform!"

Oh! finance crisis! Quick! Cater-lunch! It's a crisis! Let's TALK! Call the cameras! "Massive finance-reform!"

Oh! labor crisis! Quick! Cater-lunch! It's a crisis! Let's TALK! Call the cameras! "Massive labor-reform!"

Oh! health crisis! Quick! Cater-lunch! It's a crisis! Let's TALK! Call the cameras! "Massive health-reform!"

Oh! traffic-congestion crisis! Quick! Cater-lunch! It's a crisis! Let's TALK! Call the cameras! "Massive congestion-reform!"

Oh! ETHICS crisis! Quick! Cater-lunch! It's a crisis! Let's TALK! Call the cameras! "Massive ETHICS-reform!"

Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes (these are emoticons that should display 'rolling-eyes')
Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes



Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:41 am Post subject: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

And even if they concocted some FAKE 'economic' simulation that sent everybody a check for just three-dollars, they'd TALK about it for MONTHS, maybe ALL YEAR LONG, vacationing while real people STARVE TO DEATH, and spend BILLIONS concocting paperMAKEwork, which is FAKE 'work' -- depleting the resources of every other governmental AGENCY -- only to BLAME DIRECTORS OF THOSE AGENCIES ...

-- then FAKE a 'agency leadership crisis' photo-op!


Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:54 am Post subject: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

CHALLENGE: (I challenge you -- 'you' is figurative and applies to all people EQUALLY)

It used to be 'feasible' to pay rent, pay utilities (phone, electric, sewer/water, heat, etc.,) buy food, keep your car in 'good condition,' see movies and go out from time-to-time, get-together with friends, buy 'gifts,' go somewhere a couple/few times a year, see a dentist, occassional check-ups at the medical-doctor, buy a few 'adult entertainments/toys' (be it a hang-glider or dildo, whatever), maybe attend a class at an extended-learning center, tech-school or community-college or university -- for how much???

How much is the MINIMUM INCOME to LIVE ALONE and pursue life, liberty and happiness in these 'united states' 'on-average'?


-- not anymore, they can't.

-- 'destined' to the DUNGEONS of our FAKE 'majesties,' where all VOICES are SILENCED, and at The Peoples' expense, those same FAKE 'majesties' will raise more fees/taxes/punishments to hire more dungeon-guards, more police caught-up in the middle of their hateful WarAgainstThePeople, killing and getting killed and taking the BLAME as usual, and those FAKE 'majesties' will fund more 'counselors' at taxpayer expense and call it 'job-growth.'




Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:57 am Post subject: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

And 3-months of that is a REAL ECONOMIC STIMULATION.


So, what is it? I 'guestimated' $3K, but as you can see, it needs to be a whole lot more, yes?


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