Wednesday, May 13, 2009


TopicThreadTitle: "Amazon reclassifies LGBT books as adult content"

I think it's obvious that the HOMOtheist cult-mentalities (don't jump to conclusions about the word 'HOMOtheist' as it has nothing to do with 'gay') -- have to sell women HARD, and ANALyze 'competition'. :lol: ;)

Think about it -- how desperate they are. Any excuse that 'sounds-reasonable' and they're out sniffin' crotches like perverts, like DOGS (don't jump to conclusions about that either, as dogs are supposed to do that, and l recommend pet-ownership to remind humans that we are NOT dogs) --

All those perverts do is ANALyze PRIVATES -- any excuse, any time, any where, they just want to know what's in PRIVATES and what's done with 'em -- in the sick twisted HOPE of finding something, anything, to ridicule and scorn another in the pathetic attempt at making themselves-out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR -- proving their entire existence is the religion of HATE and god is FALSE/FAKE --

Their only HOPE is the pessimistic tunnel-vision focusing of perceiving 'flaws' -- 'offenses' -- real or imagined, mostly imagined -- 'offenses' via ears, noses and eyes -- (pluck 'em out perverts! problem solved!) -- as excuses to place conditions against their own so-called 'love' for their own so-called 'equal-fellow-citizen-beloved-neighbors' to thusly demand 'more-equality' (no such thing) for their own selfish-selves --

-- any act of desperation to find that 'offense/flaw/negative' to hammer ruthlessly against their merciless positive-cross-signs, using the points of their own hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS, nonstop ideological crucifiXtion -- the process called, "FigurativeCarpentry" (no spaces between those words), which is the ideology of TERROR -- the ideology of CRUSADE -- they won't stop until they are stopped.

Government has always tried to protect all people EQUALLY from CRUSADERS. Unfortunately, the Legislative Branch is where HOMOtheist cult-mentalities infiltrate and infect, then molest LIBERTY/JUSTICE/EQUALITY/FREEDOM, the Legislative Branch being the 'weak-spot' of all democracies, all governments, constitutional-monarchy's included.

So, let me define "HOMOtheist" as it's distinctly different from MONOtheism. The HOMO-agenda is NOT what it's being twisted-around into being in the HOMOtheist-dominated media. In order to explain that, I must give a bit of background:

1) Firstly, the concept of "which is its" must be known in order to fully understand where gay hatred stems. So I'll summarize, briefly: [b]which is it? a REAL wound; or, which is it? A FAKE 'wound' IMAGINED from WORDS/DISSENT?[/b]

In order to fully-understand that, a bit more 'background' must be absorbed: religious-fanatics HATED Europe -- every government in Europe, but had the freedom to come here and GENOCIDE all the DIVERSITY they HATED.

Every colony was a religious-cult, every community a religious-monopoly of cult-mentality business-ownership, zero free-associations (ASSumption of guilt-by-association, friends, other families, strangers, people from other communities/colonies, etc.,); zero dissent, zero free-speech, zero free-expression, zero tolerance of women working, earning a living, participating in decision-making, doing anything other than what she was told, and brainwashed to ridicule and scorn each other for not goose-stepping in lock-step.

After genociding Natives for hundreds-of-years; they concocted a DECEPTION to drag another version of 'cursed-by-their-hateful-god-people' as 'negatives' to ideological crucify against their merciless positive-cross-signs, from another continent, in chains, a diversion from woman bondage, and genocide of Natives.

And those HOMOtheist cult-mentalities collected the taxes for the 'red-coats,' and murdered any/all whom dissented, burned any business to the ground and murdered employees and owners for not paying them. They bought their FREEDOM to put women in bondage, genocide natives, and drag-in-chains an entire group of 'alternative-skin-color-people' here as a DIVERSION.

You've read their 'reasonable-sounding' bullshit -- and that's exactly what they told the governments they paid-off -- the Monarchs in Europe.

Our FoundingFathers declared INDEPENDENCE from ALL OF THAT. To Liberate ALL PEOPLE EQUALLY from that Legislated-TYRANNY, that picks and chooses your associations, your words, your habits, your entertainments, your pieces-of-cloth (clothes, worn or not worn, with or without sleeves, vests, full-length legs, scarfs, hats, stripes, polka-dots, colors, etc.,) living-arrangements, lifestyles, work, products-purchased either MANdated or BANned, etc., legislated-tyranny, what our FoundingFathers declared independence from for YOU -- ALL OF YOU.

The first thing HOMOtheist cultists do when they firstly PENETRATE a VIRGIN community is take-up issues with WORDS: "We HATE that word -- anybody that uses that word is offenses/negative -- we censor anything with that word in it -- it's about the children! boo-hoo! -- and ban any poster, advertisement, product, that uses that word, and raise taxes to hire cops to cast-out anybody that uses words like that into prisons/dungeons where they belong! -- and don't allow anybody to associate with those 'negatives' that use words like that!"

-- then another word;
-- then another;
-- then a bunch more;
-- then pictures;
-- then pieces-of-cloth (clothes, worn or not and how);
-- then PRODUCTS;
-- then SERVICES;
-- then crotches (what's in it or done with it and how)
-- then MUSIC;
-- then ART;
-- then everything, YOUR LOVE, cast-out by ones and twos until there are NONE, bankrupting governments in the process due to the high fees, fines, taxation, all the people paid at taxpayer expense to PUNISH and PROSECUTE (CRUSADE) ... against FREEDOM/LIBERTY/PRIVATES ... hammering 'negatives' against their merciless positive-cross-signs, those hateful torture-devices of TERROR, proving ZERO forgiveness, proving ZERO compassion, proving ZERO justice, therefore ZERO equality ...

Mention it, and they FAKE 'wounds' from WORDS/DISSENT. "We don't understand, and we heard you did something with your crotch, therefore we don't have to understand ..." :roll:

Mention that, and they make-up endless excuses, starting with, "Isn't that what you are doing?" in their hypocrisy, nonstop FigurativeCarpentry, ridicule and scorn, endlessly, any excuse will do, proving zero self-esteem, proving zero integrity.

So, that describes the "Which is it's" ... a REAL wound, with real pain and real suffering with real blood that requires real healing/nurture; or FAKE 'wounds' IMAGINED from the FAKE 'weapons' IMAGINED to have been used in FAKE 'attacks' IMAGINED to have inflicted FAKE 'pain' and FAKE 'suffering' as an excuse to inspire others to spill real-blood for real -- YOURS.

Those concepts are ANCIENT and in every language, regardless of location or TIME -- and those censored from those timeless concepts, that have never understood the difference between the "whiches" -- concoct their own 'spells-of-confusion,' brainwashing others to FAKE 'wounds' from words, thereby sitting-back, later, cackling, pointing long-accusatory fingers at their VICTIMS, saying, "Ahhh-huh! SEE! THEY are WORSE than me/we/us!" --- cackle, cackle, cackle (REAL definition of 'witch', and that has nothing to do with 'magic' or anything media tells you, just like the word "HOMO-agenda") -- that's why I'm explaining it -- because it's been CENSORED from YOU.

So, let me describe exactly what is REAL and what is FAKE: if you stick your finger in fire, it burns, "ouch!" -- it hurts -- no 'credentials' required -- no talking necessary at all -- no explanation required -- no nothing -- applicable to all people equally -- all whom are, all whom were, all whom will be. That's why we have fire departments, not "babble-at-the-air and pray/wish it goes away" depts.

Therefore, that SELF-EVIDENT TRUTH is indisputable, applicable to all people EQUALLY, therefore the MIGHTIEST truth of all -- the absolute definition of AlmightyTruth -- TruthAlmighty -- applicable to all people EQUALLY, self-evidently, verifiable with your five-senses, ZERO BELIEF REQUIRED AT ALL.

Belief-systems are about things you cannot verify with your five-senses, such as ghosts, goblins, devils, gods, angels, magic, mind-over-matter, reincarnation, sasquatch, ALIENS, etc ... none of that can be verifiable with one's five-senses -- that's why it's called a 'belief-system' -- a 'belief' --

Opinions, however, EVOLVE based upon new information as it becomes available, news, education, REAL life-experience verifiable with your five-senses.

Government is about defending all people EQUALLY through self-evident AlmightyTruth in REALITY -- not imagination -- not wishful-thinking -- promoting evaluative-opinion-sets as the logical-methodology in one's approach towards life, liberty and happiness.

So, with that bit of background, summarized (read my blog-series for more and various articles on the Internet) -- let me explain HOMOtheism: it's the worship of WORDS and CROTCHES as excuses to RIDICULE and SCORN, their BLANDNESS KING some super-duper-power-ranger off-planet in an undisclosed location cartoon-graven-image-character in IMAGINATION, hovering, a PuppetMaster, pulling all the strings of it's little 'monster creations' to make them rape and murder and fight for it's sadistic amusement, fornicate for it's erotic pleasure, meagerly rewarding a few for in it's INEQUITIES.

Now 'out of the darkness, let their be light' (an ancient metaphor for "put all thoughts aside, and only go by what I tell you here and now, forget everything else a moment, no pre-conceived notions, no pre-judgements -- IN THIS LIGHT:" ) ....

If the HOMOtheist cartoon-character-graven-image of IMAGINATION made a 'perfect image' of itself, "Adam," then it's HOMO-reproduction of a FIRST SON. That is where the term "HOMOtheism" comes from, and is NOT to be confused with "MONOtheism" AT ALL -- it is distinctly different.

MONOtheism is the concept that "god is everything," therefore, as I word it, "AllofMe/AllOfYou/AllOfThem/AllOfUs/AllThings" -- everything -- EVERYTHING -- not a graven-image in your IMAGINATION to worship like HOMOtheists -- but EVERYTHING -- and YOU are PART of God -- and there is your God to worship, YOU CANNOT LOOK INTO IT'S 'face' -- it is EVERYTHING -- that is why you are EQUAL regardless of what is in your crotch or isn't, or what you do with it, or don't -- only HOMOtheist perverts want to go around sniffing everybody's crotches like DOGS in the perverted HOPE to illegally litmus-test EQUALITY, demanding more for their own selfish-selves -- and there is no such thing as 'more equality' ...

ZERO BELIEF REQUIRED AT ALL, as that SELF-EVIDENT TRUTH which is ALMIGHTY is LITERALLY verifiable with your five-senses, all around you -- EVERYTHING.

That is the founding of our country, defending against the HOMOtheist cult-mentalities.

That is why I am a government-man, not a church-man, and why I say my church has been molested, be it a church, a cathedral, a temple, a hall, a mosque, a synogogue, an ashram or whathaveyou, and that is why I say I am a REAL priest not a FAKE one.

So, since the inception of this country, those cult-mentalities sided AGAINST freedom, and quickly infiltrated and infected democracy via democracy's weak-spot, the Legislative Branch; re-enacting their Legislated-TYRANNY -- CRUSADE -- TERROR_IN_DISGUISE.

Mission Accomplished! FFS!

They established their own credentialing-system firstly, religious colleges/universities, then via their like-minded in the Legislative Branch, established public-taxpayer provided education modeled after their own thought-processes, deceiving and molesting minds to think in cult-mentality terms and terminology, revising the ancient wisdoms built-in to your language; and since they were the only 'qualified' via their own 'credentials' to teach, hired themselves to establish 'non-religious' ciriculum and 'credentialing' at taxpayer expense, yet all subjects and credentials taught were through the PERCEPTIONS of HOMOtheism cult-mentalities, where confusion of the 'whiches' is 'normal,' where SEGREGATION via crotches is 'normal,' where perverse PRIVACY invasion is 'normal,' where TheoryWorship is 'normal,' where CrotchWorship is 'normal', where words were intentionally molested to cultivate minds that are confused between 'beliefs' and self-evident truths (REALITY), evaluative-opinion-sets vs belief-systems, molesting education and democracy, and freedom, and liberty in disguise --

-- thusly DIVIDING teams, communities, families, countries, worlds into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING 'tribes' through PeaceOnEarth as commanded (or at least desired);

-- thusly usurping control over every aspects of equal opportunities, life, liberty and happiness --


That is why they SELL women as a PRODUCT, a commodity, a subtle "she has her place" mentality; because railing against crotch-use ('gayness') is a DIVERSION from the REALITY of their HOMOtheist cult-mentalities.


These are huge, vast, multi-faceted concepts -- and I do apologize for my summary and poor wording and typos and spelling/misspelling, etc., -- but I have enough self-esteem to know that such petty things are not excuses to ERECT one's IDOL to worship, a positive-cross-sign, and hammer me against it as 'negative' over stupid shit like spelling/typo/grammar/miswordings -- and I know you, dear reader, whomever, whatever, wherever, are smart enough to figure-out poorly worded or spelled sentences/paragraphs -- and smart enough to ask for clarifications -- ask and ye shall receive.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Leon Winton (3Ons/HFA)

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 12:22 am Post subject: Jewish Manipulation

MY WORDS: (click title of this blog-post for context)
I strongly disagree with the OpEd, and the 'communist' mindphukery in the first-post.

Part of 'celebrating-diversity,' is also recognizing other forms of government, including communist-governments, and monarchies, AND ISRAEL.

Next, there is a tendency to 'knee-jerk' a reaction when somebody makes disparaging remarks. That is learned-behavior, reinforced via the cult-mentality of Legislative Branches, conspiring with counter-parts in various governments, globally, via their legislative-edu-religio-media-cabal.

Let me exaplain that, briefly (it's a vast topic, just because parts or not understood, does not make it incomprehensible, nor meaningless -- and clarifications are simple, 'ask and ye' shall receive.'

CENSORING Free-expression/speech, and using the Jews as an EXCUSE to do it, is an abomination. The entire concoction of saying "holocaust denier" and teaching (learned-behavior'g) Jews to do it, is manipulating Jews and the government of Israel as PawnsOfWar, as a DIVERSION. It must stop. And Israel needs lead the way.

Israel is FREE. Once your belief-system attempts to hammer 'negatives' against one's merciless 'positive-cross-sign,' using the points of one's hypocritical forked-tongue as NAILS -- ideological crucifiXtion -- a process called, "FigurativeCarpentry," -- pessimistically tunnel-vision focusing perceiving 'flaws/negatives/offenses' via ones' ears, nose and eyes (pluck 'em out, problem solved!) -- banning, censoring, out-casting, black-listing -- endless concocted excuses to place conditions against one's own so-called 'love' for one's own so-called 'equal-fellow-citizen-beloved-neighbors' -- in the pathetic attempt at making one's self out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR -- demanding 'more equality' (no such thing) for one's own selfish self by denying equality to others --

-- once you start doing that, you are an ENEMY OF FREEDOM.

Israel is FREE. It's hateful-religionists concocting excuses to infiltrate and infect via democracy's weak-spot, Legislative Branches, in other countries, primarily the U.S. and E.U., that is manipulating others to do 'evil-doing' against FREEDOM -- unknowingly -- thinking they are doing 'good things' and the 'right things' -- but they are not -- they assisting the molestation of Liberty/Freedom -- and we are all obligated to defend all people equally against it, regardless of language or location or TIME.

Here in the United States, our hateful conspiring religio-extremist Legislative Branch, masquerading-around as 'religious-moderates,' have usurped control over every aspect of pursuits of life, liberty and happiness. They live in FAKE 'majesty,' highest paid and most perks and benefits of WeThePeople, fining, taxing, surcharging, banning, censoring, casting-out into dungeons more of WeThePeople than any monarch ever would, and far surpassing the so-called 'evil-tyrannical-monarch' our FoundingFathers declared independence from.

Everything they do is about PUNISHING YOU, and every 'crumb' and 'morsal' and 'bone' they toss, from time-to-time, is a DIVERSION from their legislated-tyranny.


It's always the molested version of monotheism, HOMOtheism (which has nothing to do with 'gay') -- it's always that molested version of FAKE 'christians' promoting the endless ideological crucifiXtion, endlessly DIVIDING families, relationships, teams, communities, companies, countries, worlds into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES -- instead of UNITING 'tribes' through PeaceOnEarth to build our version of 'heaven' during our REAL lives on this REAL earth together -- not off-planet in an IMAGINED undisclosed location during an IMAGINED 'life' -- but during our REAL lives on this REAL Earth -- we build it together, PeaceOnEarth/HeavenOnEarth -- not 'off.'

Only HatefulReligiousSupremacy HATES it. That is why I always say, "My church has been molested, be it a temple, a synogogue, a cathedral, a hall, a church, a mosque, an ashram -- whathaveyou -- my church has been molested."

The first-post that began this TopicThread, and in the OpEd, referred to an IMAGINED "Jewish conspiracy," to BLAME, thusly to DIVIDE, claiming it was a 'jewish conspiracy' to 'murder' their 'messiah.'

And that is what that molested version of 'christianity' does to Jews, to Israel -- YOU TOO -- any excuse will do -- such as WORDS -- diversity -- dissent -- then pieces-of-cloth (clothes, either worn or not) -- then crotch (what's in it or what's done with it) -- education, spelling, typos, word'g, grammar, language, looks, transporation, living-arrangements, lifestyles, even love itself -- any excuse at all ... hammering 'negatives' against their merciless positive-cross-signs' -- using the points of their own hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS -- the epitome of hate, nonstop anti-christ messaging.

The entire religious CONCEPT was told in story form to ILLITERATE, undeducated masses AFTER a global HOLOCAUST -- as a WARNING. You are to walk in those shoes, of the religious-characters in thos scriptures, and apply those messages to your life, your real life, in your real environment that you are born into, and strive to do BETTER.

So, if you are ASSumted GUILTY until concocted GUILTIER -- hatefully-rumormongered -- ridiculed and scorned for your WORDS, your clothes, your crotch (what's in it and/or what's done with it) -- your spelling/typos/grammar -- your language -- your education -- your jobs -- your money -- your living-arrangements -- your FREE ASSOCIATIONS (assumed guilty by who you associate with) -- and NOBODY DEFENDS YOU -- turns their back on you -- in their COWARDNESS, too self-absorbed that somebody MAY think of them as being 'like you' therefore 'guilty along with you' -- which is in their IMAGINATION -- then you are pre-approved for hatred -- a 'negative' to be ruthlessly hammered against 'postives' merciless positive-cross-signs, those hateful torture-devices of TERROR -- cast-out until you PERISH -- DENIED PURSUITS OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES, LIFE, LIBERTY AND HAPPINESS -- therefore, 'jesu'd' --- turned into a 'jesus' regardless if you are male, female or otherwise, by anti-christ messaging, cult-mentality.


Mention the obvious, and those cult-mentalities immediately ridicule and scorn you, blaming their victim, chanting goose-step in lock-step, "Martyr-complex!" -- "Crucifiction-complex!" -- "Persecution-complex!" -- in their brainwashed subserviance to anti-christ messaging disguised as 'peace/love/tranquility/concern' when obviously it's NONE OF THAT.

For even in the religious-story, even if you worship a cartoon-character-graven-image contained with the CONCEPTUALIZATION of the story-telling -- nobody defended him. Nobody AT ALL. Everybody TURNED THEIR BACKS ON HIM. And it COULD BE YOU -- that's how it's intended to assist you to develop a personal-relationship with it to make REAL life on this REAL Earth (or any planet/location) BETTER, applicable to all people EQUALLY, all whom were, all whom are, all whom will be, ETERNALLY -- a literal TIMELESS MESSAGE.

Do not use Jews or Israel as a PawnOfWar to be manipulated to do the evil-doing of HatefulReligiousSupremacy's AGENDA.

Kind Regards,


"3Ons" is me, Clayton Winton
(1183-1287 Robinson Dr.)
--{entrance and exit, no apartments)
Priest River, ID, USA 83856-2123