Saturday, August 1, 2009

On 'Freedom Fries' And 'Gay Marriage'

The Topic is marriage and freedom and liberty;

I commented after reading the following exchange:


ForumUserNamed, "maat" wrote:

QUOTE: "I agree 100% in marraige between a man and a women and they raising children. I believe marraige is a lifelong commitment between the two. But you will never convince the degenerates of this, so why bother?"


ForumUserNamed, "poweRob," wrote:

QUOTE: "Degenerates? So now you are better than everyone who doesn't agree with you. Good show." (facetious)

*Protip* calling people names is generally where you LOSE a debate.

Sorry if you calling me a denigrate doesn't convince me to start hating people you want me to hate."


ForumUserNamed, "maat," wrote:

QUOTE: "Thanks for the insight. (eyeroll emoticon, facetious)



MY WORDS IN RESPONSE TO ABOVE QUOTES, (under ForumUserName, "Tracker"):
-- (ignore BBcode for font size/shape/color)
Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 1:58 am (that website is three hours ahead of Pacific time here in North Idaho)

Dear ForumUserName, "Maat";

Have you ever had anybody say you are 'stupid' because you didn't know some petty 'fact' or piece of 'data' they know?

That's claiming that 'intelligence' equates to 'memroy' as long as what is 'memorized' is from an 'approved-list' of data. And since you didn't 'memorize' it 'properly,' then you are an 'idiot.'

You've met people like that. Right? Of course. Everybody has.

And it's hateful. And it's also stupid, for REAL. It proves lack-of-intelligence, not 'intelligence,' and the 'lacking' is entirely their own.

Likewise, if you LOVE the PRODUCT of a cola beverage, as an example, say, Coca Cola, there are those that claim you are 'negative/inferior/unworthy' just because they dislike cola. And that too proves lack of intelligence, entirely their own.

Same with tobacco products. Many people LOVE TOBACCO. I know I do. And there are those proving, night and day, year after year, how literally unintelligent they are, how hateful they are, by HATING my FREEDOM to LOVE a PRODUCT and using that as an excuse to DENY EQUALITY to me, which proves an inherent lack of intelligence, their own.

Similarly, if you LOVE a PRODUCT and are called 'stupid' and 'unintelligent' and 'deginerate' for it, then those doing it are claiming they are 'more equal' (no such thing) to you. And there's no such thing as 'more equal.' Equal means exactly that and nothing more or less. And using FREEDOM to LOVE anything, be it a PRODUCT or a man or woman, proves a deep-seated, underlying, cult-mentality, societal-level brainwashing cult-tactic which they prove just by being hateful of YOU because you LOVE something, as the excuse to DENY EQUALITY to you.

It could be clothes;
It could be your car or truck or job or money or lack of those things, your living-arrangements, your education, your size, your shape, your color, your opinions, your lifestyle, your LOVES ... thusly your FREEDOMS TO LOVE -- therefore [size=24][b][color=red]MOLESTING LIBERTY[/size][/b][/color] while FAKING 'equality' -- denying equality to you over the concocted EXCUSE of a PRODUCT or free-association or even happenstance.

And that is anti-christ messaging to engage in it.

Your position is being ABUSED by hateful-religionists, religious-fanatics, masquerading around as 'religious-moderates,' MANipulating YOU in their HOMOtheist cult-mentalities, perverting MONOtheism into something nefarious, ugly, contemptable, in a long-term, generation-spanning AGENDA to destabilize all governments, globally, and seize control of LIBERTY, eventually, and those engaged in it don't even know it's part of that hateful conspired AGENDA. They just do it because somebody said that somebody else said it's 'normal' -- it's not. Nothing 'normal' about it.

I disagree with your position, to a point, but I didn't say you are 'unworthy of discussing anything with, why bother?' I did NOT DISMISS YOU. I was NOT DISMISSIVE OF YOU. I DID NOT CLAIM YOU ARE 'unworthy' of being HEARD -- therefore 'less human' than I, 'inferior' to me.

Did you know there was a time where it was deemed by Church that eating potatoes was a 'sin' and all engaged in 'potato eating' were damned to eternal hellfire and misery?

There was a time that was considered 'normal,' and all whom disagreed were cast-out, denied equality, deemed 'inferior,' 'infidels,' 'blasphemers,' 'sinners,' and 'heretics.' Anybody that engaged in the FREEDOM to freely-associate with one of those 'infidels/blasphemers/sinners/heretics' was ASSumed to be GUILTY until CONCOCTED GUILTIER, merely because they knew somebody that DISSENTED.

That is the OPPOSITE of LIBERTY, therefore HATE, disguised as 'peace/love/tranquility/concern' when obviously it's NONE OF THAT.

The reason it was deemed 'offensive' to eat potatoes, is because those were eaten by the 'barbarians' and the 'cursed-skin-color-people' from the 'cursed-lands' far, far away ...

-- which were imported, to Ireland, and the Irish said the Church was full of s**t, so the Church levied huge fines, fees, LEGISLATED TYRANNY against all whom associated with the IRISH, to make it ILLEGAL to FEED or NURTURE their families -- to MANipulate in HOMOtheist cult-mentality the masses, thusly societal-level brainwashing of the masses to HATE ON COMMAND -- any excuse will do ...

-- all over LOVIING a PRODUCT, the FREEDOM to LOVE a PRODUCT, in this case, a potato, which at the time was the 'staple' keeping the Irish alive, due to blight/famine -- which was INSTIGATED against them for their DISSENT.

Now it's all twisted around backwards, the Church has great influence in Ireland, potatoes are 'okay,' and an export commodity, and anybody that disagrees is a 'blsphemer/sinner/heretic/infidel' -- and the Irish claim everybody ELSE is 'full of s**t.' :lol:

So, Idaho Spuds are best -- and I encourage you eat Idaho spuds as a result. :lol: Never heard of "Organic Imported Irish Spuds" anyway. :lol:

Have you? I've never seen "potatoes from Ireland" in my grocery store or any store I've ever shopped at, at any rate. I'm sure it would be ridiculously expensive to import and sell 'Irish Spuds' in Idaho anyway.

But if you eat potatoes, 'french fried' or 'baked' or 'mashed' or 'potato salad' or whathaveyou, their history is very interesting, and there are many VulgarLessons learned from the review of that history.

And parallels to other aspects of pursuits of equal opportunities, life, liberty and happiness.

Even the FREEDOM to LOVE and have that UNION protected against hateful-religionists claiming you are 'offensive' therefore 'unworthy' of EQUALITY, be you eating potatoes or not, Idaho-spuds or 'Irish-spuds' or "French-fried-spuds' or 'freedom-fries' or whathaveyou.

Now do you know where 'freedom-fries' was even INTRODUCED as a 'talking-point' to BEGIN WITH? Most people didn't PAY ATTENTION, as usual. Will you? Please? Please do. Please.

Kind Regards,
3Ons (Clayton Leon Winton)


And more of MY WORDS about this topic here, and within that forum are other posts written by me under the ForumUserName, "Tracker":


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