Friday, March 27, 2009

OnFailure, Why YOU Are Broke -- ECONOMY (Update)


ForumUser named, "dre" wrote:

"The scary thing here is that a proposal to teach religion in a science class resulted in a tie vote."


MY WORDS in response to above quote:
Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:28 am Post Subject: ECONOMY

That's because science theories are taught as 'belief-systems' proving the educational credentialing-system is a complete, utter, total MISERABLE_FAILURE.

What part of TRILLIONS and TRILLIONS and TRILLIONS of DEBT doesn't anybody get?

Religionists hated founding this union, these United States and quickly infiltrated and infected the Legislative Branch to fund the ONLY 'approved credentialing' to even WORK IN IT.

Then wrote the laws prohibiting all others from working in it, while writing the laws to raise taxes to fund their own educational-system, 'qualifying' themselves as the only 'approved credentials' -- to manage or teach anything at all -- then mandated a state/public-educational-system where only themselves were 'qualified' to write the cirriculums of public-ed for the so-called 'non-religious' whom were taught by religiously-credentialed teachers/professors to think in religious-perspectives.

I don't know of a single public-school that does not have religiously-credentialed teachers. Since the entire credentialing-system was designed by the religious-credentialed from the get-go, the outcome is obvious: BANKRUPTCY/FAILURE so the religious can claim: "That's why founding a union was a stupid idea just like we told you, praise jesus, halalujah, amen."

The ones doing the dirty-work of the HatefulReligiousSupremacy don't even know about it -- born into it -- and are told they are but don't even make the obvious connections to the BIG-PICTURE, it was censored from their credentialing to further the long-term multi-generational goals of HatefulReligiousSupremacy.

These religious institutions were here long BEFORE ANY GOVERNMENTS. And there isn't a government in existence they have not fought against and attempted to destroy from the inside-out with the HOPE of it's failure, so that at the END -- a TIME they are brainwashed to HOPE for -- they will claim themselves to be SAINTS and all others 'government infidels/blasphemers/sinners/heretics.'


Kind Regards,



Post subject: Re: Breaking: Texas Creationists Lose School Board Vote


ForumUser named "Julian" wrote:
"The amended science class standards failed in a 7-7 vote. All can now celebrate another resounding defeat for the idiots in "Creation science."
================================= END_QUOTE

ForumUser named "Airforce1908" wrote:
============================= END_QUOTE

ForumUser named "Julian" wrote:
"Feel better? F**k-face."
============================= END_QUOTE

MY WORDS in response to the above quotes:

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:42 am
Nothing but HatefulReligious_'eye-for-an-eye'_Vindictiveness/Vengeance, proving those in the FAILED 'credentialing-system' are FAILED 'scientists' AND FAILED 'religionists' BOTH!.



Kind Regards,

EUROPE, CHINA, RUSSIA, THE WORLD and DefensiveServices, PLEASE HEAR MY WORDS: This is exactly why and what; this is what they intend for all people 'equally'. FUND IT NO FURTHER UNTIL IT'S FIXED -- or it will DESTROY YOU -- you MUST help me FIX IT -- the entire continuance of our existence depends upon it and those in our Legislative Branches WILL NEVER STOP UNTIL THEY ARE STOPPED. OnBanc must be established. Global Economy must be served and protected against what is PROVED by MY WORDS repeatedly (failed credentialing-system, HatefulReligiousSupremacy, etc.) via formal-adoptation of 3OnsParadigm. We must all develop the integrity to admit the failure, and fix it together before it destroys us from the inside-out, one government after another bankrupted/holocausted/genocided. One more dime invested in US will further DESTROYING YOU. Please -- please -- YOU MUST HELP ME HEAL IT.

OnEdit: removed extraneous c/p'd characters for clarity ("delete/report-post" etc).

Sunday, March 22, 2009

OnBanc's Winton explains 'rant'

OnBanc's Winton explains 'rant'

Dear people;

The beauty of the internet is that anybody can do it. There are no 'special-interest' requirements, no special credentials to buy, no special licenses to be jailed for not paying for, no special club-memberships to purchase, no special endorsements to be fined for not having, be you young or old, regardless of language or location, grammar, spelling or typographical-errors.

Some people can't type at all. Others have work history in high-volume call-centers, and regardless of credentials or educational background, develop a condensed version of typing, like this:

-- sum ppl typ lik ths 2 com-uni-kate on the i-net.

Translation: "Some people type like this to communicate on the internet."

And you are smart enough to figure out the short-form, regardless of typos, regardless of misspellings, regardless of 'grammatical-correctness.' You do not need a higher-ed 'genius-expert' with a big-ticket 'credential making big-bucks at tax-payer expense to decypher it for you. You have a brain with the capacity to figure it out.

So if WeThePeople are 'smart enough' to figure it out, why is that the people claiming to be 'in-charge' can't? Why do they knit-pick every typo. Every misspelling? Every grammatical error. And pessimistically tunnel-vision focus their entire existence tunnel-vision focusing the sum-whole of their intelligence perceiving flaws, offenses, 'negatives' to hammer ruthlessly against their merciless positive-cross-signs?

Nothing is good enough for them. Nothing.

If you mention it, as I often have, you and your dissent are immediately cast-out as 'unworthy/inferior/negative,' the world censored from your thoughts, your opinions, your experiences, your life.

That doesn't mean 'celebrate mediocracrity.' But common-sense in how we allocate resources takes discipline, and those credentialed in our credentialing-system have proved to have none. Instead, they rant about you as a person, as excuses to ignore your contributions, usurping control over your pursuits of life, liberty and happiness.

They have a long list of words they hate, as excuses to be hateful of any whom use those words. While attempting to explain the silliness of allocating resources to knit-picking a stupid detail that really has nothing to do with the big-picture, if you use one of those 'pre-approved-for-hate' words, you are immediately cast-out, deemed 'disgruntled,' or 'uneducated,' or 'hostile,' or 'disturbed,' or 'unbalanced' or 'uncouth,' all excuses to censor dissent.

Any word will do.

If that doesn't work, they pessimistically tunnel-vision focus against your education. Then your clothes (pieces of cloth, worn or not worn). Then your looks. Then your size. Then your living-arrangements. Then your transportation. Then your PRIVATES -- perversely invading your privates in the HOPE to find something, anything, to censor dissent.

These are the people that concocted the world's highest debts. These are the people that oversight the educational systems that harvest minds that only think like that. These are the people that have divided our country into 'positives' hating 'negatives,' any excuse will do.

Mention it, and they claim YOU are 'ranting.' That's how stupid it is. That's how unequal it is. That's how unfair it is. That's how injustice reigns.

Now, these 'positives' have instigated a hate-campaign against those they taught to run our finest companies. Isn't it interesting that when CEOs are around, there are jobs, but when politicians are around, the jobs and the CEOs disappear? Isn't it interesting that our finest companies, after being infiltrated by those with 'credentials' from that failed 'credentialing-system,' oversighted by those politicians, go bankrupt? Failed, like our banks?

Now, these 'positives' and their hate-campaign, as a diversion, are teaching the masses to hate those whom they taught, whom they trained themselves, and credentialed themselves, to 'super-size' profits. These 'positives' have just trained the masses, you and me, WeThePeople, to hate the 'haves' -- they pitted the 'have-nots' against the 'haves' intentionally.

What our politicians have done, each considered to be the 'best of the best' and the 'brightest' and the most 'qualified,' each thumping their private-club-membership from the credentialing-system they oversight, what they have done now, is teach the masses to (hate) what they taught us were 'successful people,' and now regard them as 'negatives.'

What they have done, our politicians, is force those with wealth, to hide beneath 'sack-cloths,' from head to toe, lest they be identified as 'wealthy,' they kids kidnapped for ransom, themselves beaten, robbed, often murdered for DISPLAYING WEALTH, and it could be YOU.

Fuck you, Congress! Fuck you!

There's nothing 'offensive' in those words. It's called DISSENT and a TREASURE.

You have to FAKE 'victimhood' with FAKE 'pain' and FAKE 'suffering' with IMAGINED 'wounds' and IMAGINED 'blood spilling' from IMAGINED 'attacks' with IMAGINED 'weapons' of WORDS in order to FAKE 'offensiveness' as an excuse to censor dissent.

It's learned-behavior. They taught it via their failed credentialing-system, and their IRON_CROSS control over education and media. Meanwhile, they taught you how to forget the TOPIC by FAKING 'wounds' from words. Did YOU forget the TOPIC? It's about a hateful Congress crusading against YOU, casting-out one group after another, and right now it's about people displaying WEALTH therefore being forced into BURKAS/sack-cloths. Did you FORGET already? That's why it's a failed credentialing-system, exactly.

Back to 'offensive' a moment: I have the freedom to turn off the TV if I find something not to my liking. Same with the radio or magazine or movie or CD or DVD or any product. These FAKE 'wounded' people in their hateful positive-crusade against 'negatives,' hate your freedom to do that. And they hate your freedom to explain the world to your kids and each other. So they censor a word here, a picture there, a business everywhere and one product after another as an excuse to censor dissent.

Now our finest companies employing the most families are broke, our governments broke, while these 'best of the best' squabble over FAKE 'wounds' IMAGINED from words.

An Army Field Medic paying you a house-call is far better real healthcare than the concocted system of endless paperwork by wich this failed credentialing-system has harmed our nation.

This healthcare has ZERO PAPERWORK and is therefore PRICELESS.

Natasha Richardson has been blamed for her own death, her family accussed of 'negligence' for not 'responding fast enough.' The statement made by those with failed credentials, "A CT scan only takes a couple seconds." I know that was Canada, but my complaint is valid because it takes a minimum of four-hours to fill-out the paperwork. As a side-note, I have had good health-insurance many times during my life and a CT scan was always DENIED.

Now, those same politicians with their failed credentialing-system's quak 'qualifications' want to mandate private-product purchase, force you to buy the private product of speciality-head-gear if you do anything PHYSICAL. And hire more police to enforce it, more court reporters, stenographers, judges, juries, bailiffs, prison-guards to enforce it, by raising your taxes, and hire thousands more college-grads from the same failed credentialing-system to endlessly talk about it, study it, retiring 'phaaat' claiming they made some type of 'contribution' to something.

Bankruptcy. That's the only thing they've ever contributed towards. Total failure. One bank after another. One company after another. Every other product cast-out along with the families that worked for the companies that made it, half of economy now outlawed as 'inferior/negative,' -- half of economy hammered ruthlessly as 'negative' against their merciless positive-cross-signs. And now we're broke and getting broker by the moment. Millions per second, while they talk ... and talk ... and talk at your expense.

Nothing is 'good enough' for 'em. Nothing at all. And all that pessimstic knit-picking IS MEDIOCRITY.

Nothing at all is 'good enough' for them, while they pessimistically study you.

And it's very subtle, and very difficult to explain to someone that has been censored from real dissent. The crendentialing-system itself, which again, is a total miserable failure, has harvested minds that has twisted the definition of words, including "dissent," so that kids are taught to think 'dissent' is having a different 'opinion' about something as stupid as Republican vs Democrat. But if you dissent against that very system, you are cast-out as 'unworthy,' 'inferior,' 'disgruntled,' 'extreme,' 'fanatical.'

There is nothing 'fanatical' about me, but those claiming it have proved both the definition of 'mediocrity,' as I've just explained, and 'fanatical.' It's fanaticism in disguise. It's very subtle, and it's so dangerous it bankrupted our finest companies, and our entire nation, and many others while you weren't paying attention -- and there's a reason you didn't pay attention, they taught you to ignore it while subtly censoring dissent.

The Post Master General proved COURAGE and fired 155,000 of those college-degree'd and higher-ed 'genius-experts' who were getting paid big-bucks from the United States Postal Service to sit on their asses concocting manuals to worship to ridicule and scorn everybody else by, endlessly complicating the jobs of the people doing the REAL WORK. He had to offer early-retirement to 30-yr-olds or all 155,000 would have gone POSTAL.

Post Master General John Potter

Now all the higher-ed 'genius-experts' want to increase the cost of your stamps, drive businesses into bankruptcy due to advertising mailers, cut the wages of those doing the work, so they can hire more of themselves at your expense. And that's all they've ever done. Repeatedly. Over and over and over. That's how our finest companies were forced into bankruptcy. That's how banks failed. That's why your favorite products were outlawed, or 'super-shrunk' while they 'super-sized' their own paychecks.

In order to concoct more jobs for themselves, they wrote higher-ed 'genius-expert' manuals to invade your PRIVATES and pessimistically tunnel-vision focus 'flaws' -- real or imagined 'flaws' -- mostly 'imagined' -- as excuses to hire more police and seize your property, removing more productive tax-payers from their jobs and homes to be cast-out into prisons (which are dungeons, where voices are silenced), bankrupting one community after another, until the entire country is broke -- and now the world is broke. They've turned Peace Officers into StormTroopers in their WarAgainstThePeople, using them as PawnsOfWar and I say unto you and they LET MY PEOPLE GO!

The same mindset from the DarkAges is the only thing 'thriving' today, the driving-force behind politics and their back-room dealings to fund this failed credentialing-system. These are the people that ridiculed and scorned Africans for their music and dance as 'savage'; after forcibly removing Africans and dragging them here in chains, they attempted to 'culture' them, train them to be like themselves. One that did that better than all, learned the music they said was the only 'proper' music, and sang God Bless America from the steps of the Capitol Building, and even that wasn't 'good enough,' and to this day those trained in that failed 'credentialing-system' ridicule and scorn her. Is that YOU?

------------- picture of (???name???) black opratic singer on Capitol steps singing God Bless America 'not good enough for you.' (I google'd for the pic, but Oprah has a monopoly on Black History apparently, so I couldn't find it). Was it soporano Leontyne Price? You tell me ...

They decided to 'super-size' the Boy Scouts, and introduced 'survival skills' which were always a part of it anyway. It became yet another 'genius-expert' 'credential' to worship and 'earn.' One is the Swimming Merit Badge. It is assumed that in order to survive a boat capsizing event in open water, you will have swim long distance, so should know how to 'rest' during the long swim. The survival meaneauver is called the "Jellyfish." You totally relax. Take a huge breath, relax. You sink, and the air in your lungs and your body-fat, cause you to rise to the top. When your head touches the surface, you lift your head, exhale, and take another breath, over and over until you are rested long enough to continue the long swim to shore.

So the theory goes. But it only works for people with a body-fat index greater than 15% of total body mass. Lean people, as their head breaks surface, take a deep breath, sink and rise much more slowly to the surface, because they don't have enough fat on their bones, so they have to wiggle their goes and fingers for a 'boost' to get to the surface before running out of air. The higher-ed 'genius-experts' consider that FAILURE.

See how that works?

They sit in offices, usurping control over every aspects of your pursuits of life, liberty and happiness, achieving a body-fat index of 30% in their first year. They get paid to 'experiment' and claim, "Oh it's easy -- anybody can do it!" And if you recall the above, anything PHYSICAL is subtly discouraged, so their kids as well as the kids they include in their experimentation (human experimentation, mind you), pass the test ... all others FAILED ... 'normal' FAILED see ... normality FAILS to them.

And that includes all the people they cast-out, denied opportunities to while producing 'cute little charts' and 'graphics' and endless manuals they wrote themselves denying it, the malnourished, including the descendents of those dragged in chains from Africa.

It doesn't matter what words I use to describe it, none are 'good enough' for them.

It doesn't matter if it's "spelled-perfect" or only has 'their kinds of words,' it's still not 'good enough' for them. Nothing is. And that is the epitome of MEDIOCRITY.

For those whom have followed by blog-series, I have written extensively about the necessity, especially now, to immediately send a DNA-bank to multiple locations off-planet, because they are causing holocaust and consuming all resources as a result of it, subtly, behind our backs, without our knowledge, subtly, and subtly censoring dissent while doing it so it goes ignored. Onique and I are to emphasize the importance of it, suit-up and take pics in front of the space shuttle. NASA's higher-ed genius-experts will talk about it "until the cows come home," in other words, for decades. So, I think we'll probably end up in a Soyuz. And I think we should do it immediately just to make that point alone.

So Congress has instilled a climate of TERROR for AIG employees, bank employees, 'just folks,' anybody displaying 'signs of wealth.' Have you purchased your burka?! And if you don't think I'm pissed-off about that, think again.

They are claiming that 'greed' is a 'bad thing.' You've heard it all your life. The most hateful religionists use it as an excuse to throw a guilt-trip at you for normal human want. Hateful-religionists have always done that. Now Congress is doing it, proving they are the ChurchOfHate. Because greed is normal. Greed is want. Greed is a normal human life-experience. Think of it this way, if we didn't have greed, nobody would want pussy -- what the fuck kind of world would that be?

And I didn't say that to be funny.

The same institutions that have been around longer than any of the people alive today that are in those, religions or Congress, have been concocting hellishness for centuries. At one time they considered the Slovaks to be 'inferior/negative,' and infiltrated and infected, firstly through 'credentialed-religionists.' The long-term plan, longer than anybody alive to notice it, was to subtly change the actual language the people spoke, isolating them from everybody else, while establishing a whole new 'credentialing-field' to sucker taxpayers into paying for, knit-picking words, 'genderizing' words, overly-complicating the language. Now it's one of the hardest languages to learn and one of the hardest to translate. That was not by accident. And it doesn't happen 'over-night.'

Our politicians can't get along with the 'diversity' of me -- ME -- so how can YOU trust them to get along with the 'diversity' of the WORLD?

You want to know how I can determine if somebody is completely competent, morally sound, faithful, fully-rational, totally sane, trustable with you and my life that they won't freak-out and become violent or out of control regardless of circumstances? Or have such addictive-personalities they don't defraud employers in subtle ways for BILLIONS and taxpayers for TRILLIONS to get their 'fix'? If they don't freak-out and hurt somebody under the influence of anything.

And those are the people you want serving and protecting YOU.

Now you tell me what type of 'credentialing-system' FAILURES we are dealing with for REAL.

To illustrate further, I will use a really down-to-earth example. It explains so much about what is wrong with us. All of us. How the U.S. relates with Russia or China or Mexico or the Sudan or the Middle East or anywhere else, and how we as a people here in the U.S. can't figure-out what 'good enough' means anymore than we have been brainwashed to call 'dissent' a 'rant' as an excuse to censor it.

Garbage. That's the example. Simple garbage. What's that have to do with it? Everything. Let me explain:

There is a little tavern out in the woods. A quiet, cozy little 'dive' of a place. Been there for a very, very long time. It's called the "Green Owl." It's in North Idaho. You won't find it on a map. You won't see advertisements for it on TV. There's no big 'super-sized' lighted signs. There's no red-carpets. It doesn't even have a paved parking lot. No dress-codes. And smoking is allowed.

Decades ago, patrons of the Green Owl and residents in the area were upset because some people couldn't afford the gas during the last 'energy/money crisis' to take their garbage to the dump. There is a fork in the road just before the Green Owl and people were dumping garbage there. Residents set up some trash barrels which quickly over-flowed. They complained to the county because it was UNSIGHTLY.

The county, which is Bonner County in Idaho, eventually succumbed to the incessant complaining and raised taxes to buy dumpsters, buy special trucks, special equipment, and hire people to drive back and forth hauling garbage.

Now this is where I demonstrate what is WRONG with our credentialing-system, and why our politicians have gone completely hatefully religiously off the 'deep end.' No politician will say the things I'm about to, for FEAR of being cast-out. Even themselves are pre-approved for CENSORSHIP for addressing the OBVIOUS.

See, now, politicians have spent YEARS and millions-of-dollars holding endless photo-op 'crisis-meetings' because residents are once again complaining about the GARBAGE. Nothing is 'good-enough.' Nothing. I love Bonner County officials, but this example illustrates what is wrong with all counties, all countries, and even if it makes their cheecks burn red, THEY MUST LISTEN TO THIS DISSENT, or prove how whimped-out, "pussy-whipped" (refer to above) they've become.

Because once again they want to raise taxes, buy more equipment, buy more trucks, buy more fences, buy more dumpsters, buy more more more more more at your expense, and have spent years and years and years photo'op'g to TALK about it, which costs millions.

Those millions could have hired you and me and a whole lot of others to drive around in old shitty-pickup like I have and take garbage to the dump. For all the money they've spent talking about it, they could have done it themselves.

It's not that these are 'bad people,' be they politicians or educators or religionists or bank employees. They were born into it. They think it's 'normal,' and HATE DISSENT per their training. Just disagree and they concoct an instant excuse to IGNORE, to censor dissent, then point to a difference of opinions about some stupid shit THEY CONCOCTED to talk about as their 'example' of what 'dissent' is all about. Nope. Dissent is all the things THEY DON'T WANT TO HEAR.

Such as MY WORDS. Yours too. If they can't figure-out how to get along with me (they don't even try), how in hell can anybody else in the world trust them to even TRY to get along with THEM?

That is why I have said to Russia and China repeatedly, "PLEASE DON'T NUKE US!"

Because our 'best of the best' have proved their words do not match their ACTS, that they are totally hypocritical and have memorized endless denials instead of even trying to address it. They even know how to say, "well, we're not perfect, and we know we have some problems, but we're still the best of the best of the best." It's ridiculous. Utter MEDIOCRITY.

Yet these are the same people from the same private-club-membership of a failed credentialing-system that concocted the world's highest prices and debts, that think they can 'fix' it. Every time they claim they are gonna 'fix' it, if you look back through history you find they contributed to the exaserbation of the problem claiming they were 'fixing it' long ago. They can't fix it. The system of 'credentialing' they have designed for themselves, harvests minds that will never fix it, only put a 'band-aide' on it to fake it, and silence all dissent just long enough to run-off with another few TRILLION.

They expect PERFECTION from you while proving total FAILURE themselves. What part of TRILLION in the word 'national debt' don't YOU get? And it's not just a 'few' trillion -- it's tens of trillions and tens of trillions in pledges they won't even talk about.

2-million people can't afford to pay their mortgages this year -- 2-million last year -- 2-million the year before -- for YEARS and as I railed and warned they CENSORED -- in our system of so-called 'world's finest education and credentialing,' from our 'best of the best of the best' universities oversighted by our Legislative Branches.

Our finest companies flushed down the toilet by that failed 'credentialing-system' of unrepresented endless complications. The only time they even acknowlege your existence, or mine, is to plagiarize and claim mine or your work as their own.

To summarize: THIS IS NOT A 'rant,' regardless of what they say, it's a jealous game they play to be certain, and it doesn't matter how many spelling-errors or word-issues they FAKE 'offense' as excuses to defraud 'sympathy' of others while subtly censoring dissent.

So if you can't afford to pay your home-loan, or car-loan, or keep up on rent, or the phone-bill, have you seen the BILLION DOLLAR BILL they've left you and every man, woman and child you will ever meet, have or know?


OnBanc won't fix their spending-problems and pay-off YOUR DEBTS unless it's stopped. One Trillion 4 One George Washington. We must stop the legislative-educational-religio-media-cabal. Again, they were born into it -- forgive them, they know not what they do, but they must be stopped, our country and our world, our very lives are in peril because of it. It's time to stand in front of the mirror and have the COURAGE and INTEGRITY to admit it.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton

OnEdit: as I quickly typed my thoughts, I word-substituted 'have' with 'hate' so I fixed it above in parens "(_)" so the college-ed 'genius-experts' can follow along. You're welcome. :) (3-fingered finger-waggle goes here!) ;)

Friday, March 13, 2009

DOW up with OnBanc 'madness'

It's not a matter of 'if' ... it's a matter of WHEN.

What we have is the hyper-valuation of a MINIMUM of $45-Trillion.

Know how that works?

Think of it like this: some insignificant routine-function that an hourly-employee with a 6th-grade education used to do in five minutes is now a college-degree'd CAREER --

-- but they said they could 'make things more efficient';
-- to 'maximize profits.'

What they did was rob the future of others to give themselves multiple paychecks today.

Your paycheck.

And a few billion others -- trillions, actually. Far into the future. Countless generations.

And that's the 'corporate-strategy' they had drilled into 'em via their failed 'credentialing-systems.'

Ruining banks from the inside-out.
Not just banks, one company after another.
One branch or agency of government after another -- all of 'em -- governments, that is.

Education has been HIJACKED.

A 'credential' has become a 'license' to make a career out of knit-picking miniscule details at everybody else's expense, hyper-valuating the 'worth' of the details in self-importance.

For awhile, all the 'sounds reasonable' excuses for the ever-increasing obligations, complications, debts, is 'blurred' by the 'cute puppies and kittens' approach of higher-ed selling itself. For a 'moment,' an 'eye-blink-in-time,' there is FAKE 'money' to be had, feels warm and 'cute' and 'fuzzy,' doesn't it?

And from the poorest, the meakest, millions more of those 'licenses' will be handed-out this year to suck the life-blood out of the average family economy, one corporation, company, business, family after another, taking work from the workers' future, to pay themselves multiple-paychecks today.

Obviously, a PhD in some finance-related field, is a 'license' to completely fuck things up and sugar-coat it with the intellectual equivalent of "cute little puppies and kittens on top" to obfuscate their damages -- THEN, insulated from the fall-out, regard THEMSELVES as the 'most qualified' to be 'consulted' in how to 'fix' what they fucked-up.

-- endlessly faking 'wounds' to fake 'victimhood' from WORDS as an excuse to CENSOR DISSENT.

Please note the WORDS I include for that EXACT reasOn.

OnBanc will eventually be established. Oh sure, the 'genius-experts' might give it another name, concoct endless 'sounds-reasonable' stories to worship and be 'tested' about as to how they, themselves 'innovated the idea' and it's a 'superior model' to everything and everybody else ...

But eventually it will have to be established.

There has to be an OnBanc, our current economies will collapse without it -- eventually -- not an 'if' -- a 'when' scenario.

It will be a 'reverse-monetary-brokerage/plc' with it's own currency, and it's employees will be global, and salary-equalized. It will have a completely different corporate-strategy than our current 'credentialing-system' can even conceive. It will be a 'corporate-family' oriented strategy, with total salary-equalization, and each member sacrifices to pay-off YOUR bad debts, probably for their entire lives, without their names up in lights, no private jets, none of that.

It will eventually absorb something like $700-TRILLION of hyper-infalted 'assets' .

Know how that works?

See, using my example above about the hourly employee's five-minute-routine function being turned into a college-degree career ...

-- the EXACT VALUE of their 'contribution' to the customers of that employer's business, is what?

Well, the hourly employee's contribution is easily calculable, and will ALWAYS return a number ABOVE ZERO.

Once it became a college 'career,' the BELOW ZERO numbers mount with seemingly ENDLESS GRAVITY.

-- endless 'reasonable-sounding' excuses to give themselves multiple-paychecks stolen from somebody else's FUTURE.

-- because the ACTUAL WORK PERFORMED was "what an hourly employee with a sixth-grade education did in five minutes."

Which employee would put-together a 'reasonable-sounding' CASE to "keep things as they are?"

The hourly-employee was PRE-APPROVED FOR CENSORSHIP -- any word will do.

Here, I'll give you another one: "fuck."

But the 'credentialed' IDIOT spent two-months at work putting together a multi-media presentation, complete with graphics, special-effects, and lots of cute little puppies and kittens, intellectually speaking ...

-- "higher rate of returns,"
-- "expanded profit margins,"
-- "high yield, low risk,"
-- "investing in our childrens' future ..."

OnBanc will have it's own 'special-interest' citizenship EXEMPTIONS, borderless, as the employees sacrfice for all people equally, therefore are citizens of all or none, take your pick. They will have 'travel uniforms' and ID-chips but not 'diplomat status.' Only their own.

It will underwrite the lives of those whom are obligated by you to pay-off your debt.

Toxic-asset HOLDING TANK, kinda-sorta.

It will make very limited loans, mostly to banks-in-trouble, but countries too.

The World Bank and the entire IMF concept MUST EVOLVE.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

OnBanc gains momentum ...

OnBanc is about people.

It's about liberating people from the complications that clutter enjoying life ...

It's about Data-VAULT protection.

-- affording people a HANDS FREE approach to their pursuits of life, liberty and happiness.

It's a BoneYardBank, that leases 'space' to 'hold' -- on behalf of the people -- 'toxic-assets.'

-- a NEW BOND between government and people, banks, family and business.

-- health and education, too -- a SmartCard that is an 'encyclopedia' about you and your NEEDS.

-- and the experts to handle the frustrations and complications of paperwork for you.

-- some volunteer for a chip-implant, so they have full-identification regardless of what they are wearing, adding a level of freedom and convenience not possible before.

Welcome to the FUTURE -- we make it together.

I need a $130-billion to assemble the employee-TEAM to handle the 'aggregates.'

Congress must work with the UK and EU and other countries to establish the world's first, 'the peoples' FUTURE ... OnBanc ... employee-owned and operated, total salary-equalization, licensing existing brand-names allowing name-recognition banks to continue operating with current leadership with just a few 'new terms and conditions' ... full life-underwriting, 'for better or worse' ... the people divide the asset-sale in the event of loss-of-stewardship (dividends) piece-by-piece ... but HOLD it in TRUST for a fee/percentage of recovery (if any).

That way, Congress doesn't look like COMMUNISTS (which is really spookin' the markets, so you'd all better PAY ATTENTION! for once), before they blame the President as usual. Right now, that 'legacy' is lookin' like this: "Communism quietly overtook capitalist democracy in the early portion of the 21st Century during the Obama Administration ..."

OnBank -- OnBankInc -- BankOfOn -- BankOfWinton

PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 4:15 am Post subject: Healthcare, banks, Congress

Quoting myself:

That's why, today, it would be far less-expensive to pay millions of doctors to go door-to-door making housecalls --

-- instead of delivering healthcare,
-- they are caught-up in an abusive system of doing HARM through endless complications/paperMAKEwork/hastles that have nothing to do with actual medical-treatment, only HARMful distractions/inhibitions from it.

-- that puts healers at odds with their OATHS.

-- and more and more are getting a little too 'weird' because of it. Laughing

Medical doctors MUST BE LIBERATED FROM IT -- and the way to do it, saving BOTH banks AND healthcare, is go SmartCard, and stop by-procedure commodity-selling.

-- if you make the most money doing procedure-x and surgery-y, you'll sell a whole lot of those procedures, see.

That's your PRODUCT, that's what you SELL, to make your living.

Now, it's procedure-based. The only way to 'fix' healthcare is get rid of procedure-based healthcare, go fixed-salaries, eliminate the paperMAKEwork overhead that is crippling real preventative, dental, eye and all the benefits of full-life, full-medical care by using SmartCards, combined with your VISA, processed in GIANT CALCULATORS, bank-owned and operated data-centers that contract-out for data services ...

-- handling your health paperMAKEwork;
-- your taxes paperMAKEwork;
-- your checking/debit/bill-pay'g acct(s) paperMAKEwork;
-- your resume paperMAKEwork;
-- your educational paperMAKEwork;
-- your certificates, endorsements, awards paperMAKEwork;
-- your 'small crimes and misdomeanors' paperMAKEwork;
-- your transportation-related tickets/fees paperMAKEwork;

These are paperMAKEwork EXPERTS that will fully automate all that and more, giving you a HANDS FREE approach to your pursuits of life, liberty and happiness ...

Go SmartCard ...

Save healthcare, banks, jobs and Congress' credibility all in one nice neat not-so-cute little package ...

I want to merge the 'toxic-assets' and re-license their failed-parent-co's to operate under their current brand-names, employee-owned with the backing of Legislative Branches in the U.S., UK, EU and elsewhere.

Can I please borrow a $130-billion to get started?